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कें द्रीय मुहर विभाग-2

संदर्भ के । मु वि-2/16:9873 17 12 2020
विषय: खिलौनोों की सुरक्षा के प्रमाणीकरण में माइक्रो स्के ल इकाइयोों में परीक्षण सुविधाओों के वलए
विशेष प्रािधान

उपरोक्त विषय के संदर्भ में पररपत्र संलग्न है।
(आवदत्य दास)
प्रमुि, (कें.मु.वि.-2)
ROs/BOs/FMCD को intranet माध्यम से पररचावलत

Our Ref: CMD-2/16:9873 17 12 2020
Subject: Special provisions for testing facilities in micro scale units in
certification of safety of toys
Please find attached a circular on the above subject.
Aditya Das
Sc. D
Head (CMD 2)
Circulated to: ROs/BOs/FMCD through BIS intranet

Our Ref: CMD-2/16:9873 17 12 2020
Subject: Special provisions for testing facilities in micro scale units in
certification of safety of toys
1. This has reference to the above.

2. It is informed that the Competent Authority has decided that licence may be
granted to micro scale units manufacturing toys, without insisting on them
establishing in-house facility under the condition that they shall establish the
required in-house testing facilities within one year from the date of grant of

3. The following undertaking shall be taken from each applicant who seeks to avails
this provision, and this shall also be incorporated in the terms of the licence for
such units:

I undertake to establish all test facilities required as per the BIS Scheme of
Inspection and Testing for Safety of Toys in my manufacturing unit, within
one year from date of grant of BIS licence i.e. within DD/MM/YYYY [Date to
be mentioned] failing which the licence granted to me will be liable for
cancellation and/or suspension by BIS.

4. Further, it is reiterated that this facility is available only for designated micro scale

5. These units, shall, however, be required to comply with the levels of control given
in the Scheme of Inspection and Testing (SIT) by getting samples tested as per
the required frequency from BIS recognized labs. (Subcontracting will be
permitted for micro scale units for All Tests applicable, for a period of one year
from the date of grant of licence)

6. All Regional/Branch Offices are advised to ensure implementation of the above

(Aditya Das)
Scientist D, CMD-2
Head CMD-2

DDG (Certification)

notification no special provisions for testing facilities in micro scale units in certification of safety of toys | iKargos