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Circular No. 152/08/2021-GST

CBIC-190354/36/2021-TRU Section-CBEC
Government of India
Ministry of Finance
Department of Revenue
North Block, New Delhi,
Dated the 17
June, 2021
The Principal Chief Commissioners/ Chief Commissioners/ Principal
Commissioners/ Commissioner of Central Tax (All) /
The Principal Director Generals/ Director Generals (All)

Sub– Clarification regarding rate of tax applicable on construction services
provided to a Government Entity, in relation to construction such as of
a Ropeway on turnkey basis-reg.

Reference has been received by the Board for a clarification whether services
supplied to a Government Entity by way of construction such as of “a ropeway” are
eligible for concessional rate of 12% GST under entry No. 3 (vi) of Notification No.
11/2017- CT (R) dt. 28.06.2017. On the recommendation of the GST Council, this issue
is clarified as below.
2. According to entry No. 3(vi) of notification No. 11/2017-CT (R) dated
28.06.2017, GST rate of 12% is applicable, inter alia, on-
“(vi) Composite supply of works contract as defined in clause (119) of section 2 of the Central
Goods and Services Tax Act, 2017, (other than that covered by items (i), (ia), (ib), (ic), (id),
(ie) and (if) above) provided to the Central Government, State Government, Union Territory,
a local authority a Governmental Authority or a Government Entity, by way of construction,
erection, commissioning, installation, completion, fitting out, repair, maintenance,
renovation, or alteration of –
(a) a civil structure or any other original works meant predominantly for use other
than for commerce, industry, or any other business or profession; “
2.1 Thus, said entry No 3 (vi) does not apply to any works contract that is meant
for the purposes of commerce, industry, business of profession, even if such service

Circular No. 152/08/2021-GST

is provided to the Central Government, State Government, Union Territory, a local
authority a Governmental Authority or a Government Entity. The doubt seems to
have arisen in the instant cases as Explanation to the said entry states, the term
‘business’ shall not include any activity or transaction undertaken by the Central
Government, a State Government or any local authority in which they are engaged
as public authorities. However, this explanation does not apply to Governmental
Authority or Government Entity, as defined in clause (ix) and (x) of the explanation
to said notification. Further, civil constructions, such as rope way for tourism
development shall not be covered by said entry 3(vi) not being a structure that is
meant predominantly for purposes other than business. While road, bridge,
terminal, or railways are covered by entry No. 3(iv) and 3(v) of said notification,
structures like ropeway are not covered by these entries too. Therefore, works
contract service provided by way of construction such as of rope way shall fall under
entry at sl. No. 3(xii) of notification 11/2017-(CTR) and attract GST at the rate of 18%.
3. Difficulty if any, may be brought to the notice of the Board.

Yours faithfully,

(Rajeev Ranjan)
Under Secretary, TRU
Tel: 011 2309 5558
circulars no 152 08 2021 gst | iKargos