Circular No. 145/01/2021-GST
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Government of India
Ministry of Finance
Department of Revenue
Central Board of Indirect Taxes and Customs
GST Policy Wing
New Delhi, dated the 11
February, 2021
The Principal Chief Commissioners / Chief Commissioners / Principal Commissioners /
Commissioners of Central Tax (All)
Subject: Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) for implementation of the provision of
suspension of registrations under sub-rule (2A) of rule 21A of CGST Rules, 2017 –
As you are aware that vide notification No. 94/2020- Central Tax, dated 22.12.2020,
sub-rule (2A) has been inserted to rule 21A of the Central Goods and Services Tax Rules,
2017 (hereinafter referred to as the CGST Rules). The said provision provides for immediate
suspension of registration of a person, as a measure to safeguard the interest of revenue, on
observance of such discrepancies /anomalies which indicate violation of the provisions of Act
and rules made thereunder; and that continuation of such registration poses immediate threat
to revenue.
2.1 Sub-rule (2A) of rule 21A is reproduced hereunder:
“(2A) Where, a comparison of the returns furnished by a registered person under section
39 with
(a) the details of outward supplies furnished in FORM GSTR-1; or
(b) the details of inward supplies derived based on the details of outward
supplies furnished by his suppliers in their FORM GSTR-1,
or such other analysis, as may be carried out on the recommendations of the Council,
show that there are significant differences or anomalies indicating contravention of
the provisions of the Act or the rules made thereunder, leading to cancellation of
registration of the said person, his registration shall be suspended and the said person
shall be intimated in FORM GST REG-31, electronically, on the common portal, or
by sending a communication to his e-mail address provided at the time of registration
or as amended from time to time, highlighting the said differences and anomalies and
asking him to explain, within a period of thirty days, as to why his registration shall
not be cancelled.”;
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2.2 Till the time an independent functionality for FORM REG-31 is developed on the
portal, in order to ensure uniformity in the implementation of the provisions of above rule
across the field formations, the Board, in exercise of its powers conferred by section 168 (1)
of the Central Goods and Services Tax Act, 2017 (hereinafter referred to as “CGST Act”),
hereby provides the following guidelines for implementation of the provision of suspension
of registrations under the said rule.
3. On the recommendation of the Council, the registration of specified taxpayers shall be
suspended and system generated intimation for suspension and notice for cancellation of
registration in FORM GST REG-31, containing the reasons of suspension, shall be sent to
such taxpayers on their registered e-mail address. Till the time functionality for FORM
REG-31 is made available on portal, such notice/intimation shall be made available to the
taxpayer on their dashboard on common portal in FORM GST REG-17. The taxpayers will
be able to view the notice in the “View/Notice and Order” tab post login.
4. The taxpayers, whose registrations are suspended (hereinafter referred to as “the said
person”) under the above provisions, would be required to furnish reply to the jurisdictional
tax officer within thirty days from the receipt of such notice / intimation, explaining the
discrepancies/anomalies, if any, and shall furnish the details of compliances made or/and the
reasons as to why their registration shouldn’t be cancelled:
a. The said person would be required to reply to the jurisdictional officer against the
notice for cancellation of registration sent to them, in FORM GST REG-18 online
through Common Portal withing the time limit of thirty days from the receipt of
notice/ intimation.
b. In case the intimation for suspension and notice for cancellation of registration is
issued on ground of non -filing of returns, the said person may file all the due returns
and submit the response. Similarly, in other scenarios as specified under FORM GST
REG-31, they may meet the requirements and submit the reply.
5.1 Post issuance of FORM GST REG-31 via email, the list of such taxpayers would be
sent to the concerned Nodal officers of the CBIC/ States. Also, the system generated notice
can be viewed by the jurisdictional proper officers on their Dashboard for suitable actions.
Upon receipt of reply from the said person or on expiry of thirty days (reply period), a task
would be created in the dashboard of the concerned proper officer under “Suo moto
cancellation proceeding”.
5.2 Proper officer, post examination of the response received from the said person, may pass
an order either for dropping the proceedings for suspension/ cancellation of registration in
FORM GST REG-20 or for cancellation of registration in FORM GST REG-19. Based on
the action taken by the proper officer, the GSTIN status would be changed to “Active” or
“Cancelled Suo-moto” as the case maybe.
5.3 Till the time independent functionality for FORM GST REG-31 is fully ready, it is
advised that if the proper officer considers it appropriate to drop a proceeding anytime after
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the issuance of FORM GST REG-31, he may advise the said person to furnish his reply on
the common portal in FORM GST REG-18.
5.4 It is advised that in case the proper officer is prima-facie satisfied with the reply of the
said person, he may revoke the suspension by passing an order in FORM GST REG-20.
Post such revocation, if need be, the proper officer can continue with the detailed verification
of the documents and recovery of short payment of tax, if any. Further, in such cases, after
detailed verification or otherwise, if the proper officer finds that the registration of the said
person is liable for cancellation, he can again initiate the proceeding of cancellation of
registration by issuing notice in FORM GST REG-17.
6. Difficulties, if any, in implementation of these instructions may be informed to the
board ( Hindi version follows.
(Sanjay Mangal)
Commissioner (GST)