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Circular No. 227/21/2024-GST
F. No. CBIC-20001/4/2024-GST
Government of India
Ministry of Finance
Department of Revenue
Central Board of Indirect Taxes and Customs
GST Policy Wing

New Delhi, Dated the 11
July, 2024
The Principal Chief Commissioners/Chief Commissioners/Principal Commissioners/
Commissioners of Central Tax (All)
The Principal Directors General/ Directors General (All)
The Principal Chief Controller of Accounts, CBIC

Madam / Sir,
Subject: Processing of refund applications filed by Canteen Stores Department (CSD)
- regarding
The Central Government, vide Notifications No. 06/2017-Central Tax (Rate), No.
06/2017-Integrated Tax (Rate) and No. 06/2017-Union territory Tax (Rate), all dated 28

June 2017, had specified the Canteen Stores Department (“CSD” for short), under the
Ministry of Defence, as a person who shall be entitled to claim a refund of fifty per cent of
the applicable central tax, integrated tax and Union territory tax paid by the CSD on all
inward supplies of goods received by the CSD for the purposes of subsequent supply of
such goods to their Unit Run Canteens or to their authorized customers. Further, vide
Circular No. 60/34/2018-GST dated 04.09.2018, the manner and procedure for filing and
processing of such refund claims was specified so as to ensure that the CSD shall apply for
refund by filing an application manually to the jurisdictional tax office till the time the
online utility for filing such refund claim is made available on the common portal.
2. In order to enable such CSD to file application for refund electronically, a new
functionality has been made available on the common portal which allows CSD to apply for
refund by filing an application electronically on the common portal. Further, Central Goods
and Service Tax Rules, 2017 (hereinafter referred to as „CGST Rules‟) have been amended
and a new rule 95B and FORM GST RFD-10A have been inserted in CGST Rules vide
Notification No. 12/2024-Central Tax dated 10.07.2024.
3. In order to ensure uniformity in the implementation of the provisions of law across
field formations, the Board, in exercise of its powers conferred by section 168 (1) of the
Central Goods and Services Tax Act, 2017 (hereinafter referred to as “CGST Act”), hereby
lays down the following revised procedure for electronic submission and processing of
refund application by CSD, in accordance with section 55 of CGST Act, in supersession of
Circular No. 60/34/2018-GST dated 04.09.2018.

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4. Filing of refund application:
The CSD, who wants to wants to file an application for refund under section 55 of
CGST Act, in cases where the refund is claimed of fifty per cent of the applicable central
tax, integrated tax and Union territory tax paid by the said CSD on all inward supplies of
goods received by it, for the purposes of subsequent supply of such goods to its Unit Run
Canteens or to its authorized customers, shall file an application for refund in FORM GST
RFD-10A electronically on the common portal and the same shall be processed
electronically. The refund to be granted to the CSD shall be based on the invoices of the
inward supplies of goods received by it for the purposes of subsequent supply of such goods
to its Unit Run Canteens or to its authorized customers.
5. Filing of refund claim by CSD:
The CSD may apply for refund with the jurisdictional Central tax/ State tax authority
to whom the CSD has been assigned. In terms of rule 95B of the CGST Rules, the CSD is
required to apply for refund once in every quarter. The CSD will also be allowed to file the
refund application for multiple quarters, clubbing multiple FYs, as per their option. The
refund of the tax paid by the CSD shall be available only if the inward supplies of goods
were received from a registered person against a tax invoice and details of such supplies
have been furnished by the said registered person in his details of outward supply in FORM
GSTR-1 and the said supplier has furnished his return in FORM GSTR-3B for the
concerned tax period. The CSD while filing the refund application shall ensure that all the
invoices declared by it have the GSTIN of the supplier and the GSTIN of the respective
CSD clearly mentioned on them. The said refund application form shall be accompanied
with the following documents:
(i) An undertaking stating that the goods on which refund is being claimed have
been received by the CSD for the purposes of subsequent supply of such goods to its
Unit Run Canteens or to its authorized customers; and
(ii) A declaration stating that no refund has been claimed earlier against the
invoices on which the refund is being claimed.

6. Relevant date for filing of refund:
As per sub-section (2) of section 54 of the CGST Act, a person notified under section
55 of the CGST Act, can file the application for refund of tax paid by it on inward supplies of
goods or services or both, before the expiry of two years from the last day of the quarter in
which such supply was received. Therefore, as the CSD have been notified under section 55
of CGST Act vide notifications No. 06/2017-Central Tax (Rate), No. 06/2017-Integrated Tax
(Rate) and No. 06/2017-Union territory Tax (Rate), all dated 28th June 2017, as a person
entitled to claim a refund of fifty per cent of the applicable central tax, integrated tax and
Union territory tax paid by it on all inward supplies of goods received for the purposes of
subsequent supply of such goods to its Unit Run Canteens or to its authorized customers, the
CSD can file the refund of fifty per cent of tax paid on such inward supplies of goods before
expiry of two years from the last day of the quarter in which such supply was received.
7. Processing and sanction of the refund claim:
7.1 The proper officer shall process the refund claim filed by the CSD in a manner
similar to the refund claims filed in FORM GST RFD-01 under the provisions of rule 89 of

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CGST Rules. The proper officer while processing the refund application shall validate the
GSTIN details of the CSD on the common portal to ascertain whether all the returns in
FORM GSTR-1 and FORM GSTR-3B, which were due to be furnished on or before the
date on which the refund application is being filed, have been filed. The proper officer may
scrutinize the details contained in FORM RFD-10A, FORM GSTR-3B and FORM GSTR-
2B, for processing the said refund claim. The proper officer shall also verify whether the
details of the invoices for which refund has been claimed by the CSD, have been furnished
by the concerned supplier in his details of outward supply in FORM GSTR-1 and the said
supplier has furnished his return in FORM GSTR-3B for the concerned tax period.
7.2 Further, the proper officer shall ensure that the amount of refund sanctioned is not
more than 50 % of the central tax, state tax, Union territory tax and integrated tax paid on the
supplies received by CSD. It may be noted that the invoices uploaded by the CSD while
filing will be validated on the portal with FORM GSTR 2B of the applicant and only the
validated invoices will be allowed in the application. The invoices for which refund has
already been availed by the CSD will be flagged in the system and will not be allowed for the
refund. The Table in Sl. No. 7 of FORM GST- RFD 10A will be auto-populated on the
portal based on the 50 % of the amount of respective tax (central tax, state tax, Union
territory tax and integrated tax) as per the Col 8, 9 and 10 of the Table in Sl. No. 6 of FORM
GST- RFD 10A.The Table in Sl. No. 7 of FORM GST- RFD 10A shall be kept editable
downwards, i.e., the CSD will be able to make a downward revision in the auto-populated
amount in the said Table and cannot enhance the auto-populated amount in the said Table.
The proper officer shall also verify whether the ITC in respect of such inward supplies of
goods received for the purposes of subsequent supply of such goods to its Unit Run Canteens
or to its authorized customers has been reversed by the CSD as clarified in Circular no.
170/02/2022-GST dated 06-Jul-2022.
7.3 The proper officer shall scrutinize the application with respect to completeness and
eligibility of the refund claim to his satisfaction and issue the order in FORM GST RFD-06
accordingly. The proper officer shall also upload a detailed speaking order along with the
said order in FORM GST RFD-06.
8. It is also mentioned that the provisions of the Circular No. 60/34/2018-GST dated
04.09.2018 shall continue to apply for all refund applications filed manually before the
amendments in CGST Rules mentioned in Para 2 above and before the said functionality
being made available on the common portal. The said applications filed manually shall
continue to be processed manually, according to the earlier circular.
9. It is requested that suitable trade notices may be issued to publicize the contents of
this Circular.
10. Difficulty, if any, in implementation of this Circular may please be brought to the
notice of the Board. Hindi version would follow.

(Sanjay Mangal)
Principal Commissioner (GST)
circular no 227 21 2024 gst dated 11 jul 2024 | iKargos