New Delhi, dated the 1
March, 2000
11 Phalguna, 1921 (Saka)
No. 7/ 2000 - Central Excise, dated 1-3-2000.
In exercise of the powers conferred by sub-section (1) of section 5A of the Central Excise Act, 1944 (1 of 1944), the Central
Government, being satisfied that it is necessary in the public interest so to do, hereby exempts the goods falling within the
Chapter, heading No. or sub-heading No. of the First Schedule to the Central Excise Tariff Act, 1985 (5 of 1986) specified in
column (2) of the Table hereto annexed, from so much of the duty of excise leviable thereon which is specified in the said First
Schedule, as is in excess of the amount calculated at the rate specified in the corresponding entry in column (3) of the said
Explanation. - For the purposes of this notification, the rate specified in column (3) is ad valorem rate unless indicated
Chapter No., heading No. or sub-heading No. Rate
(1) (2) (3)
1.2101.30 Nil
2.21.06 16%
3.2108.10 16%
4.2201.20 and 2202.20 16%
5.2401.90, 2404.40, 2404.50 and 2404.99 16%
6A.2502.21, 2502.30, 2502.40, 2502.50 and 2502.90 16%
6B.2504.21, and 2504.31
Rs. 30 per
square metre
7.2710.11, 2710.12, 2710.13 and 2710.19 16%
8.2804.11 and 2847.11 Nil
9.33.04, 3305.99, 3307.10, 3307.20, 3307.39, 3307.50 and 3307.90 16%
39 (except 39.10, 39.14, 3903.20, 3903.30, 3905.10, 3905.20,3905.90,
3906.10, 3906.20, 3906.90, 3907.10, 3907.20, 3907.30, 3907.40, 3907.50,
3907.60, 3907.70, 3907.80, 3907.91, 3907.99, 3908.10, 3908.90, 3909.10,
3909.20, 3909.30, 3909.40, 3909.51, 3909.52, 3909.59, 3909.60, 3911.10,
3911.20, 3911.90, 3912.11, 3912.12, 3912.20, 3912.31, 3912.39, 3912.90, 3913.10, 3913.20,
3913.30, 3913.90, 3916.10, 3923.10 and 3924.10)
4006.10, 4008.19, 4008.22, 4010.10, 4010.90, 4011.90, 4012.11, 4012.19, 4012.90, 4013.90 and
12.4301.00 16%
13.4811.31 and 4823.40 16%
14.4818.10 Nil
15.5307.11, 5307.12 and 5308.11 Nil
5402.10, 5402.20, 5402.31, 5402.32, 5402.41, 5402.42, 5402.43, 5402.51, 5402.52, 5402.61 and
17.5505.10 16%
18.5601.10 and 5607.10 Nil
19.5702.19 and 5703.90 16%
20.59.04, 59.05, 5907.90 and 59.10 16%
21.6305.31 and 6305.39 16%
22.6601.00 Nil
23.6807.10 and 6807.20 Nil
24.6906.10 16%
25.8215.00 Nil
26.8414.30, 8414.92, 8415.00, 8418.90, 8476.91, 8481.10 and 8481.91 16%
27.8536.10 16%
28.8539.10 Nil
29.8702.10, 8703.90, 8704.90, 8706.21, 8706.39, 8706.49, 8711.20 and 8711.90 16%
30.8901.00, 8902.00, 8904.00, 8905.00 and 8906.00 Nil
31.8930.00 and 8707.00 16%
32.9001.10, 9018.00, 9019.00, 9021.90, 9022.10 Nil
33.9032.11 and 9032.91 16%
34.93 (except 9301.00) 16%
35.9404.00 16%
36.9406.00 Nil
37.9605.10 16%
Joint Secretary to the Government of India