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C ircular No. l7l2024-Customs
F. No. 468/l/201 l-SO (Cus5)
Govemment of India
Ministry of Finance
Department of Revenue
Central Board of Indirect Taxes & Customs
Room No. 227 A, North Block, New Delhi
Dated l8th September, 2024
Subject: Amendment of Circular 07/2024-Customs to further ease the process of
publication of automated exchange rate-reg
The exchange rate automated module came into effect from 4th July, 2024. To further
streamline the module and ensure that appropriate action is taken in case of contingency, the
following amendments have been made in the Circular 072024-Customs dated 25th June,
a) At the end of Paragraph 4.1, the following sentence is inserted:
"Where a due date, i.e. lst or 3rd Thursday, falls on a holiday, the last/latest received rates
from SBI would be published on TCEGATE website on the lst or 3rd Thursday itself."
b) Point (iii) ofParagraph 7 ofthe aforesaid Circular is substituted with:
"(iii) Where a due date, i.e., l" or 3'd Thursday, falls on a public holiday or due to any error
in API integration or where an incomplete message is received at ICEGATE, since the
exchange rates from SBI would not be available, the last/latest rates received from SBI would
be published on the ICEGATE Website as well as integated in the ICES system on that day
and will be published by 6 PM on that day on the ICEGATE Website to be effective from
00:00 hrs. ofthe next day."
c) Point (iv) ofParagraph 7 ofthe aforesaid Circular is substituted with:
"(iv) Where, on a due date i.e., l" or 3'd Thursday of a month or when there is +/-5%
variation in the rates of any of the foreign currencies requiring publication of the revised
All Principal Chief Commissioners/Chief Commissioners of Customs
All Principal Chief CommissionerVChief Commissioners of Customs (Preventive)
All Principal Chief CommissionersiChief Commissioners of CGST & Customs
All Principal Directors General/Directors General under CBIC

rates, the exchange rates received from SBI fail to get integrated on ICES by 6 PM, an
automated mail and SMS alert will be sent to all the Nodal officers at 6 PM to notiry that the
rates received from SBI have not been automatically updated in ICES. Accordingly, the rates
received from SBI would not be discarded but would be updated in the ICES system through
manual intervention using the "Admin" interface by the Nodal officer at ICD (Patparganj)
after 6 PM and before 00:00 hrs on the same day to be effective from 00:00 hrs. ofthe next
d) Point (v) of Paragraph 7 ofthe aforesaid Circular is deleted.
2. Hindi version follows.
Yours faithfully,
(Megha Bansal)
Under Secretary to the Govt. of India
circular no 17 2024 dated 18 sep 2024 | iKargos