This Notification rescinds Notification No.115/99-Customs, dated the 11th October,1999
6th April. 2000
Notification No.40 /2000-Customs
In exerciser of the powers conferred by the sub-section (2) of section 9A of the Customs Tariff Act, 1975 (51 of 1975) read with
rule 13 and rule 20 of the Customs Tariff (Identification, Assessment and Collection of Anti-dumping Duty on Dumped Articles
and for Determination of Injury) Rules, 1995, the Central Government hereby rescinds die notification of the Government of
India in the Ministry of Finance (Department of Revenue), No. 115/99-Customs, dated the 11th October,1999 [G.S.R. 690(E),
dated the 11th October, 1999], published in Part II, Section 3, Sub-section (i) of the Gazette of India, Extraordinary, dated the
11th October.1999.
(Sanjeev Sachdeva)
Deputy Secretary to the Government of India
F. No. 354/27/2000-TRU