(Department of Revenue)

Notification No. 11/2025 – Customs

New Delhi, the 1
February, 2025

G.S.R. …. (E). – In exercise of the powers conferred by sub-section (1) of section 25 of the Customs
Act,1962 (52 of 1962), the Central Government, on being satisfied that it is necessary in the public interest so to
do, hereby makes the following further amendments in the notification of the Government of India in the Ministry
of Finance (Department of Revenue) No. 25/2002-Customs, dated the 1st March, 2002, published in the Gazette
of India, Extraordinary, Part II, Section 3, Sub- section (i), vide number G.S.R. 122(E), dated the 1st March, 2002,
namely : -

In the said notification, in the TABLE, for S. No. 69 and the entries relating thereto, the following S.
Nos. and entries shall be substituted, namely: -

(1) (2) (3)
Powder Dryer falling under tariff item 8479 89 99;
Automatic Feeding and Blending System falling under tariff item
8479 82 00;
Slurry Transfer System falling under tariff item 8413 70 96;
Cathode Extrusion Coating Machine falling under tariff item 8424
89 90;
Anode Extrusion Coating Machine falling under tariff item 8424 89
Cathode Compression (Cold Press) falling under tariff item 8420 10
Anode Compression (Cold Press) falling under tariff item 8420 10
High Vacuum Pump falling under tariff item 8414 10 00;
Negative Electrode Automatic Production Machine falling under
tariff item 8479 89 99;
Negative Electrode Automatic Plate Machine falling under tariff
item 8479 89 99;
Fully Automatic Winding Machine falling under tariff item 8479 81
Semi-Automatic Winding Machine falling under tariff item 8479 81
Auto EL Filling Machine falling under tariff item 8479 89 99;
Heating and Pressing Machine for Lithium falling under tariff item
8419 39 00;
Auto Degassing Sealing Machine falling under tariff item 8479 89
Electric Coin Cell Crimper with Die Mould falling under tariff item
Lithium Ion Cell for use
in the manufacture of
Battery of Mobile Hand

8422 40 00;
Hand Held Electrode Cutter falling under tariff item 8477 80 90;
Vacuum Oven without Vacuum Pump falling under tariff item 8514
39 00;
Electrode Slitting Machine falling under tariff item 8464 90 00;
Evaporator Re-circulating Chiller falling under tariff item 8418 69
OCV Testing Machine falling under tariff item 8479 89 99;
NMP Trapping System falling under tariff item 8543 70 99;
Auto-taping machine falling under tariff item 8465 99 90 / 8479
89 99;
Auto-packing machine falling under tariff item 8422 40 00;
Mylar sticking machine falling under tariff item 8479 89 99;
Auto magazine load machine falling under tariff item 8479 89 99;
Constant temperature capacity machine falling under tariff
item 8479 89 99;
Separator coating machine falling under tariff item 8479 89 99;
Roller cleaning machine falling under tariff item 8479 89 99;
Formation machine falling under tariff item 8479 89 99;
Automatic tapping machine falling under tariff item 8479 89
Stacking machine falling under tariff item 8479 89 99;
Separator trimming machine falling under tariff item 8479 89
Tab transfer welding & winding machine falling under tariff
item 8515 80 90 / 8515 21 90;
Ultrasonic Tray cleaning machine falling under tariff item
8479 89 99;
Gasket automatic cleaning machine falling under tariff item
8479 89 99;
Film / Myler tearing machine falling under tariff item 8479 89
Auto unloading Machine falling under tariff item 8428 90 90;
Mylar slitting machine falling under tariff item 8479 89 99;
Foil slitting machine falling under tariff item 8462 39 00 / 8464 90
Dust collector falling under tariff item 8421 39 90;
Electrode packing machine falling under tariff item 8422 40
Electrode rewinding machine falling under tariff item 8479 89
99 / 8479 81 00;
Calender printing machine falling under tariff item 8420 10 00;
Electrolyte tapping machine falling under tariff item 8479 89
Strip Tape machine falling under tariff item 8465 99 90 / 8465
96 00;
Mixing or agitating substances machine falling under tariff
item 8479 89 99;
Aluminium foil bag edge cutting machine falling under tariff
item 8462 39 00;
Ultrasonic cleaning machine falling under tariff item 8479 89
Cell slicing machine falling under tariff item 8465 96 00

Powder Dryer falling under tariff item 8479 89 99;
Automatic Feeding and Blending System falling under tariff item
8479 82 00;
Slurry Transfer System falling under tariff item 8413 70 96;
Cathode Extrusion Coating Machine falling under tariff item 8424
89 90;
Anode Extrusion Coating Machine falling under tariff item 8424 89
Cathode Compression (Cold Press) falling under tariff item 8420
10 00;
Lithium Ion Cell for use
in the manufacture of
Battery of Electrically
Operated Vehicles”

Anode Compression (Cold Press) falling under tariff item 8420 10
High Vacuum Pump falling under tariff item 8414 10 00;
Negative Electrode Automatic Production Machine falling under
tariff item 8479 89 99;
Negative Electrode Automatic Plate Machine falling under tariff
item 8479 89 99;
Fully Automatic Winding Machine falling under tariff item 8479
81 00;
Semi-Automatic Winding Machine falling under tariff item 8479
81 00;
Auto EL Filling Machine falling under tariff item 8479 89 99;
Heating and Pressing Machine for Lithium falling under tariff item
8419 39 00;
Auto Degassing Sealing Machine falling under tariff item 8479 89
Electric Coin Cell Crimper with Die Mould falling under tariff item
8422 40 00;
Hand Held Electrode Cutter falling under tariff item 8477 80 90;
Vacuum Oven without Vacuum Pump falling under tariff item
8514 39 00;
Electrode Slitting Machine falling under tariff item 8464 90 00;
Evaporator Re-circulating Chiller falling under tariff item 8418 69
OCV Testing Machine falling under tariff item 8479 89 99;
NMP Trapping System falling under tariff item 8543 70 99;
Solvent Recovery System falling under tariff item 8479 89 99;
Heat Recovery System falling under tariff item 8414 59 90;
Effluent Treatment System falling under tariff item 8421 21
Electrolyte injection machine falling under tariff item 8479 89
Helium Injection Machine falling under tariff item 8479 89 99
/ 9031 80 90;
Nail Inserting Machine falling under tariff item 8479 89 99;
Nail Pulling Machine falling under tariff item 8479 89 99;
Injection hole cleaning machine falling under tariff item 8479
89 99;
Cell Baking & Cooling Machine falling under tariff item 8419
89 90;
Jelly Roll Pairing Machine falling under tariff item 8479 89 99;
Mylar Wrapping Machine falling under tariff item 8422 40 00;
Cell Sorting Line falling under tariff item 8479 89 99 / 8479 90
Laser Pin Welding falling under tariff item 8468 20 10;
Laser Notching & Winding falling under tariff item 8479 89
Ultrasonic welding falling under tariff item 8515 80 90;
Load in Can falling under tariff item 8479 89 99;
Top cover laser welding falling under tariff item 8515 80 90;
1st Helium test falling under tariff item 9031 80 00;
2nd Helium test falling under tariff item 9031 80 00;
Wire feeding and rework falling under tariff item 8515 80 90;
Cell ageing Machine falling under tariff item 8428 33 00;
Negative Pressure Formation falling under tariff item 8543 70
Cell Formation - Cell capacity and SOC falling under tariff
item 9030 39 00 / 8543 90 90;
Cell Formation -DCIR falling under tariff item 9030 39 00;
Cell Formation -Cell Tray plastic falling under tariff item 3923
10 90;
Cell Formation -Cell Tray Metallic falling under tariff item
7616 99 10;

Cell Formation - Formation Machine falling under tariff item
7304 41 90;
Cell Formation - Other Trays falling under tariff item 3923 90 00 /
7326 90 19;
Film wrapping and final inspection falling under tariff item 9031
80 00 / 9022 19 90;
Tap to top cap welding falling under tariff item 8468 20 10;
Fibre temperature Detection System falling under tariff item 7308
90 00;
Water sprinkler system falling under tariff item 8424 89 99;
Rack falling under tariff item 7308 90 00;
Tape Coding falling under tariff item 8479 89 99;
Wire filling and welding machine falling under tariff item 8479
89 99

2. This notification shall come into force on the 2
day of February, 2025.

[F. No. 334/03/2025-TRU]

(Amreeta Titus)
Deputy Secretary to Government of India

Note:- The principal notification No.25/2002-Customs, dated the 30th June, 2017 was published in the Gazette of
India, Extraordinary, Part II, Section 3, Sub-section (i), vide number G.S.R. 122(E), dated the 1
March, 2002,
and was last amended, vide notification No. 34/2024 -Customs, dated the 23
July, 2024, published in the Gazette
of India, Extraordinary, Part II, Section 3, Sub-section (i), vide number G.S.R. 437(E), dated the 23
July, 2024.
notification no 11 2025 customs dated 01 feb 2025 | iKargos