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मानक भवन , ९, बहादुर शाह ज़फ़र माग�
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New Delhi – 110002

क े न् द्र �य मुहर �वभाग – III

हमारा संदभर्: सीएमडी III/ प्रेस टूल-पंिजज़ 23 माचर् 2021

�वषय: प्रेस टूल-पंिजज़ के प्रमाणन के �लए बीआईएस के �दशा�नद�श

यह प्रेस टूल-पंिजज़ (गुणवत् ता जनयंत्रण) आदेश, 2020 के संदभर् म� है िजसके द्वारा 1 0 मई 2021
से �व�भन्न उत्पाद� को बीआईएस के अ�नवायर् प्रमाण के अंतगर्त लाया गया है।

उद्योग� के �लए बीआईएस प्रमाणन को सुगम बनाने के �लए �दशा �नद�श बनाए गए ह� जो भावी
आवेदक� के �लए उ�रोतर मागर्द�शर्का का कायर् करेगी।


Our Ref: CMD III/ Press Tool - Punches 23 March 2021
Subject: BIS Guidelines for Certification of Press Tool - Punches
This has reference to the Press Tool- Punches (Quality Control) Order, 2020 through which various
products have been brought under compulsory BIS certification with effect from 10 May 2021.
In order to facilitate the Industry in obtaining BIS certification, guidelines have been developed
which would serve as a step-by-step guide for all prospective applicants.

BIS Guidelines for Certification of Press Tools - Punches
Our Ref: CMD III/ Press Tools - Punches 23 March 2021
1.This has reference to the Press Tool -Punches (Quality Control) Order, 2020 through
which the following products have been brought under compulsory BIS certification with
effect from 10 May 2021. The QCO can be viewed from BIS website t hrough the link
Goods or Articles Indian Standard
Tools for pressing: Part 1 Round punches with 60 degrees
conical head and straight shank
IS 4296 (Part 1): 2016
Tools for pressing: Part 2 Punches with cylindrical head and
straight or reduced shank
IS 4296 (Part 2): 2015
Tools for pressing: Part 3 Round punches with 60-degree
conical head and reduced shank
IS 4296 (Part 3): 2015
2. The latest version of Indian Standards including notified amendments shall apply from the
date as decided by BIS.
3.The Product Manual, if already available, may be downloaded from BIS website using the
manualsmk. Even if P roduct Manual is not available for the product, this should not prevent
a manufacturer in applying for BIS Licence. Once the application is submitted for G rant of
Licence, BIS would prepare, in consultation with the manufacturer, a Scheme of Inspection
and Testing (SIT) that the manufacturer would be required to follow to ensure regular quality
control of the ISI marked products once a Licence is granted. Alternatively, the manufacturer
may submit his own levels of control which he proposes to implement in day to day
production so as to ensure that the final product conforms to the relevant Indian Standard.
4.For any assistance and guidance in obtaining BIS certification, the manufacturer may
approach the concerned Branch Office of BIS, where the Bureau shall be able to guide the
applicants for better understanding of the requirements of the Standard(s) and documentation involved in the certification process. The contact details of Branch Offices can be viewed
from BIS website through the link office
5.In order to facilitate the Industry in obtaining BIS certification, this document has been
developed which would serve as a step-by-step guide for all prospective applicants.

Step 1: Create Account in Manakonline (e-BIS portal)
• Create an account in the e -BIS Portal ‘Manakonline’ through or using
the link
• Apply for BIS licence through this account.
Step 2: Choose the applicable Indian Standard
• While submitting the application, select the applicable Indian Standard for the product for
which it is intended to obtain a BIS Licence.
• The indigenous Indian Standards can be downloaded free of cost from BIS website or using the link .
• Choose ‘Option 1 (Normal Procedure)’ or ‘Option 2 (Simplified Procedure)’ as the type
of application.
• The details for Grant of BIS Licence are available in BIS website under the link content/uploads/2019/05/GoLGuidelines_01052019.pdf.
Step 3: Provide Information
• Provide details of Raw Materials, Manufacturing Process, Manufacturing Machinery,
Plant Layout etc.
• For ‘Option 2’, upload conforming Test Report(s) issued by BIS Recognized
• The Indian Standard wise list of BIS recognized third party testing labs are available at:
• If there are no such labs , application will be processed based on factory testing basis for
which the applicant shall have complete in-house testing facility for the product and the
required Quality Control Personnel.
Step 4: Provide details of in-house test facilities available
• Provide the list of Test Equipment for the testing facilities available in the factory as per the
relevant Indian Standards and the details of Testing Personnel .
• BIS may permit sharing or sub- contracting of test facilities. The guidelines for relaxation
in test facilities are available at: content/uploads/2019/05/GoLGuidelines_01052019.pdf.)

Step 5: Reply to queries raised by BIS
• Once the application is registered, an application number will be allotted.
• Please check the communication window in the Manakonline Portal regularly for any
communications from BIS.
• If BIS has raised any queries, respond to the same immediately.
Step 6: Confirm the date for factory inspection
• Once BIS proposes the date for factory inspection, confirm the date of inspection failing
which the application may be processed for rejection/closure.
• However, in such case, the applicant may apply afresh when it is ready for inspection.
Step 7: Ensure the following during Factory Inspection
On the day of factory inspection by BIS, ensure that:
• All the varieties of the product which are required for inspection and sampling by BIS are
• The production process is demonstrated and production/quality control personnel are
• Ensure Factory Testing of samples by Quality Control Personnel in the presence of the BIS
Step 8: Complete the follow up actions, if any, arising out of Factory Inspection
• During the inspection if BIS Officer observes any discrepancy it will be communicated to the applicant through a Discrepancy cum Advisory Report.
• Reply to all queries within the deadline given by BIS.
Step 9: Make Payment and Obtain BIS Licence
• When all actions for Grant of Licence are completed, BIS will process the application for
Grant of Licence.
• Once it is decided to grant the licence, and the requisite fees is paid by the applicant,
BIS Licence Number will be generated and communicated to the applicant .
notification no bis guidelines for certification of press tool punches | iKargos