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New Delhi, dated the 1
March, 2000
11 Phalguna, 1921 (Saka)
No. 15/2000-Central Excise(N.T.), dated 1-3-2000.
In exercise of the powers conferred by sub-rule (5) of rule 57A of the Central Excise Rules, 1944, the Center Government,
being satisfied that it is necessary in the public interest so to do, hereby makes the following amendments in notification of the
Government of lndia in the Ministry of Finance (Department of Revenue) No. 29/96- Central Excise (N.T), dated the 3
September, 1996, namely:-
In the said notification,-
1. for the word "Schedule", wherever it occurs, the words "First Schedule" shall be substituted;
2. in paragraph 7B, for the words, figures and brackets "heading Nos. 52.07, 52.08, 52.09, 54.06,54.07, 55.11,
55.12, 55.13 or 55.14, or processed textile fabrics of cotton or man-made fibres, falling under heading Nos. 58.01,
58.02,58.06 (except sub-heading No. 5806.20), 60.01 or 60.02 (except sub-heading No. 6002.10)" the words,
figures and brackets "heading Nos. 52.07, 52.08, 52.09, 54.06, 54.07, 55.11, 55.12, 55.13 or 55.14, or processed
textile fabrics of cotton or man-made fibres, falling under heading Nos. or sub-heading Nos. 58.01, 58.02, 5806.10,
5806.40, 6001.12, 6001.22, 6001.92, 6002.20, 6002.30, 6002.43 or 6002.93 " shall be substituted;
3. in paragraph 7C, in clause (b), for the words, figures and brackets "heading Nos. 58.01, 58.02, 58.06 (except sub-
heading No. 5806.20), 60.01 or 60.02 (except sub-heading No. 6002.10)" the words, figures and brackets
"heading Nos. or sub-heading Nos. 58.01, 58.02, 5806.10, 5806.40, 6001.12, 6001.22, 6001.92, 6002.20,
6002.30, 6002.43 or 6002.93" shall be substituted:
Joint Secretary to the Government of India
F.No. 334/1/2000-TRU
notifications no 15 2000 ce n t | iKargos