भारतीय मानक ब्यूरो
के न्द्रीय मुहर विभाग-2
Ref/संदभभ: CMD-2/ G-94 25 02 2021
विषय: योजना-I के अनुसार फू टिेयर वनमााताओं के विए बीआईएस प्रमाणन पर विशावनिेश
Sub: Guidelines on BIS certification as per Scheme-I for Footwear Manufacturers
DPIIT द्वारा फु टवियर उत्पाद ं पर गुणित्ता वनयंत्रण आदेश जारी करने के साथ, 1 जुलाई 2021 से 27 फु टवियर
उत्पाद ं क योजना-I के अनुसार अवनिायभ बीआईएस प्रमाणन के तहत लाया गया है।
As per the Quality Control Orders on Footwear Products issued by DPIIT, 27 footwear products
have been brought under compulsory BIS certification with effect from 1 July 2021.
बीआईएस प्रमाणन प्राप्त करने में फु टवियर वनमाभताओं की सुविधा के वलए, पहली बार आिेदक ं क फु टवियर
उत्पाद ं के वलए बीआईएस प्रमाणन प्राप्त करने के वलए पालन करने के वलए चरण-िार प्रविया के रूप में
वदशावनदेश ं का एक सेट तैयार वकया गया है। बीआईएस िेबसाइट के माध्यम से फु टवियर वनमाभताओं के संदभभ के
वलए संलग्न वदशावनदेश प्रसाररत वकए जाते हैं।
In order to facilitate footwear manufacturers in obtaining BIS certification, a set of guidelines has
been prepared in the form of a step-wise process for first time applicants to follow in order to
obtain BIS certification for footwear products. The attached guidelines are circulated for the
reference of footwear manufacturers through BIS website.
आवित्य िास
Aditya Das
िैज्ञावनक डी
Scientist D
प्रमुख (के मू वि-2)
Head (CMD-2)
सभी को BIS website माध्यम से पररचावित
Circulated to all through BIS website
Guidelines on BIS Certification for
Footwear Manufacturers
- With the issue of the Quality Control Orders on Footwear Products by DPIIT, 27 footwear
products have been brought under compulsory BIS certification with effect from 1 July
2021. The following three QCOs have been issued covering footwear made from
rubber/polymeric material, leather and other materials and PPE footwear:
i) Footwear made from all-Rubber and all Polymeric material and its components (Quality
Control) Order, 2020
ii) Footwear made from Leather and other materials (Quality Control) Order, 2020
iii) Personal Protective Equipment – Footwear (Quality Control) Order, 2020
[The QCOs can be downloaded from BIS website www.bis.gov.in from the page “Products
Under Compulsory Certification”]
- BIS has been receiving several requests from the footwear industry to facilitate the industry
to obtain BIS certification, since many footwear manufacturers have no prior exposure to
the BIS product certification process.
- In light of the above, the following set of guidelines has been prepared in the form of a step-
wise process for first time applicants to follow in order to obtain BIS certification for footwear
Step 1: Read and Understand the Indian Standard
i) As mentioned above, there are 27 Indian Standards for footwear products which are
under mandatory BIS certification which are given at Annex 1.
ii) The first step is to identify the Indian Standard for your product. Once you have
identified the Indian Standard, please download the Indian Standard from BIS
website after creating your BIS Account from this page:
https://www.services.bis.gov.in:8071/php/BIS_2.0/. (Indian Standards which are
adoptions of ISO Standards, cannot be downloaded for free and must be purchased
from BIS e-sales portal https://standardsbis.bsbedge.com/).
iii) Read the Indian Standard and ensure that your product meets the requirements
specified in the Indian Standard and that required manufacturing and testing facilities
as prescribed in the Indian Standard are available in your unit.
iv) However, in case complete testing facilities are unavailable in your unit since these
tests require expensive or sophisticated test equipment, BIS can also permit
manufacturers to subcontract such tests to BIS recognized labs. For instance, tests
for Slip resistance and Innocuousness prescribed for Personal Protective Equipment
Part 2 Safety Footwear in IS 15298 (Part 2): 2016 are permitted to be subcontracted
by BIS (Please see the Scheme of Inspection and Testing given in the Product
Manual for IS 15298 (Part 2))
v) Product Manuals, where available on BIS website www.bis.gov.in may also be
referred. However, even if the product manual for any product is unavailable
on BIS website, you can still apply for grant of licence without waiting for BIS
to publish the product manual. The concerned BIS Branch Office will guide
you through the application process.
Note: In case you are unable to locate/download or understand the provisions of the Indian
Standard and/or product manual, you can reach out to your nearest BIS Branch Office
whose contact details are available in BIS Website www.bis.gov.in
Step 2: Create Login On Manakonline
Go to www.manakonline.in and create an account on Manakonline, the BIS
application portal. Apply for a licence through this account.
Step 3: Choose Indian Standard
While submitting application, select the applicable Indian Standard for your product from
among the 27 footwear products (List is at Annex 1). If you are making more than one
product, separate applications must be submitted for each product/Indian Standard. e.g. for
Sports Footwear, choose IS 15844.
Two modes of applications are available.
- Under option 1 (normal procedure) - You can apply without getting your product(s)
tested from a BIS recognized laboratory. Licence will be granted after satisfactory
inspection and receipt of conforming test reports from BIS recognized labs.
- Under option 2 (simplified procedure) – (Applicable if BIS recognized lab is
available for the product) – You need to get your product(s) tested from a BIS
recognized lab as per the applicable Indian Standard and apply with complete and
conforming test report(s). Licence will be granted after satisfactory inspection. A
“verification sample” shall be drawn during the visit and the licence will be reviewed
after receipt of the verification sample test report.
Note: To find out the BIS recognized labs for any Indian Standard, please visit
www.bis.gov.in , go to Laboratory Services>Test Facilities and Testing Charges>Indian
Standard Wise List of Recognized Laboratories and enter the Indian Standard Number in
the Search Field. Or visit the page
Step 4: Provide required information
i) During the application process, follow the on-screen instructions of the system to
Upload/provide detail of raw materials, factory location, manufacturing process and
machinery, plant layout, testing personnel etc. as per the details given in the
manakonline application form and pay the applicable fees. In case option 2 has
been selected, also upload conforming test report(s) issued by a BIS
Recognized Laboratory.
ii) While providing details of test equipment, please ensure that the test facilities
for which subcontracting has not been permitted in the Scheme of Inspection
and Testing are available in your unit and reflected in the list being uploaded.
iii) In case Product Manual/Scheme of Inspection and Testing are unavailable for your
product, and if you wish to be permitted to subcontract any of the test(s) given in the
Indian Standard to a BIS recognized lab instead of setting up the test facility in-house
(See Step 1), please inform your concerned Branch Office and submit your proposal
for permitting subcontracting with due justification, to them. Also inform them to which
BIS recognized lab you wish to subcontract these tests
Step 5: Address any queries raised by BIS
i. Once application is registered you will be given an application number.
ii. Please check your communication window in the Manakonline Portal.
iii. If BIS has raised any queries, respond to the same immediately and address
all queries.
Step 6: Confirm date for factory inspection
Once BIS has proposed date for factory inspection, confirm the date of inspection
at the earliest (within 10 days of submission of application) failing which your
application may be processed for rejection/closure. However, in such case, you
may apply afresh when you are ready for inspection, after paying only the
application fee.
Step 7: Ensure the following during Factory Inspection
On the day of factory inspection, ensure that:
i. All varieties of products which are required for inspection and sampling
by BIS are available.
ii. Given the practical difficulties in testing each of the different varieties of
footwear specified in Indian Standards, BIS frames grouping guidelines to
allow grant of licence for multiple varieties of the product based on testing
of samples of certain varieties (e.g. In case of Personal Protective
Equipment Part 2 Safety Footwear as per IS 15298 (Part 2): 2016,
footwear of a particular material and particular design of any size in a
group can be tested to cover that material, design of footwear for all sizes
in the group subject to availability of corresponding manufacturing and
testing facilities with the applicant)
iii. In case grouping guidelines are specified for the product, please offer
samples accordingly based upon the products being manufactured by
you. (However, in case grouping is not available and if you wish to
propose grouping of the products, you may submit your proposal for
grouping guidelines to the concerned BIS Branch Office).
iv. Relevant production process is demonstrated and production/quality
control personnel are available.
v. Ensure availability of manufacturing machinery and testing
infrastructure, as required.
vi. Ensure Factory Testing of samples by QC personnel in the presence of
the BIS officer and test report generated.
Step 8: Complete follow up actions, if any, arising out of Factory Inspection
During the inspection:
i. If BIS officer finds any discrepancy during the inspection, he/she shall
communicate it through a Discrepancy cum Advisory report. Please reply to
all queries within the deadline given by the officer.
ii. If the BIS officer is satisfied with factory inspection and sample tested in
factory conforms, he /she shall seal samples and counter-samples of the
product in accordance with the sampling/grouping guidelines in the product
iii. If the BIS officer issues instructions to you to dispatch the samples
along with a test request to the designated lab, do so immediately (in 24 hours)
and submit proof of delivery to BIS.
Step 8: Make Payment and Obtain BIS licence
i. For Option 1:
If and when conforming/passing test reports are received, and there
is no action pending from the inspection visit, BIS will process the
application for grant of licence.
ii. For Option 2:
After Factory Inspection, if there is no action pending, BIS will process
the application for grant of licence.
iii. Once it is decided to grant the licence, you will be requested by BIS to submit
the requisite payment. Once payment is received, your licence number will
be generated and communicated to you.
Step 9: After grant of licence
i. After grant of licence, you are required to follow the Scheme of Inspection
and Testing and the terms of the BIS licence.
ii. BIS conducts factory and market surveillance activities after grant of
licence. Please extend all possible cooperation/assistance to BIS officers
or BIS Authorized Agencies during surveillance activities.
iii. In case after grant of licence, you wish to manufacture additional varieties
of the product, you need to apply for addition of those varieties in the scope
of the licence. Please contact your concerned BIS Branch Office to learn
about how to modify the scope of your licence.
Annex 1
List of footwear products under mandatory BIS certification
IS 1989 : PART 1:1986
Specification for leather safety boots and shoes: Part 1 for
IS 1989 : PART 2:1986
Specification for leather safety boots and shoes: Part 2 for
heavy metal industries
IS 3735:1996 Canvas Shoes, Rubber Sole
IS 3976:2003 Safety Rubber Canvas Boots for Miners
IS 3736:1995 Canvas boots, rubber sole
IS 11226:1993 Leather safety footwear having direct moulded rubber sole
IS 14544:1998
Leather safety foot wear with direct moulded polyvinyl
chloride (PVC) sole
IS 15844:2010 Sports Footwear
IS 17012:2018 High ankle tactical boots with pu - Rubber sole
IS 17037:2018 Anti riot shoes
IS 17043:2018 Derby shoes
IS 15298: PART 2:2016 Personal protective equipment: Part 2 safety footwear
IS 15298: PART 3:2019 Personal protective equipment: Part 3 protective footwear
IS 15298: PART 4:2017
Personal protective equipment: Part 4 occupational
IS 5557:2004 Industrial and protective rubber knee and ankle boots
IS 5557 (PART 2):2018
All rubber gum boots and ankle boots: Part 2 occupational
IS 5676:1995 Moulded solid rubber soles and heels
IS 6664:1992 Rubber microcellular sheets for soles and heels
IS 6719:1972 Solid Pvc Soles And Heels
IS 6721:1972 PVC sandal
IS 10702:1992 Rubber hawai chappal
IS 11544:1986 slipper, rubber
IS 12254:1993 Polyvinyl chloride (PVC) Industrial boots
IS 13893:1994 Polyurethane soles semirigid
IS 13995:1995 Unlined moulded rubber boots
IS 16645:2018
Moulded plastics footwear-Lined or Unlined polyurethane
boots for general industrial use
IS 16994:2018
Footwear for Men and Women for Municipal Scavenging