Circular No 33/2020-Customs
F. No. 609/24/2020-DBK
Government of India
Ministry of Finance, Department of Revenue
Central Board of Indirect Taxes & Customs

New Delhi, dated 15
July, 2020

All Principal Chief Commissioners / Principal Directors General,
All Chief Commissioners / Directors General,


Subject: Amendments to the All Industry Rates of Duty Drawback effective from 15.07.2020

Government has made certain amendments in the All Industry Rates (AIRs) of Duty
Drawback vide Notification No. 56/2020-Customs (N.T.) dated 13.07.2020. These changes are
effective from 15.07.2020. The notification may be downloaded from and

2. The changes made are briefly summed up as follows:

(a) AIRs/caps of Duty Drawback have been enhanced for the following items:

(i) Certain footwear items made of leather covered under Chapter 64; and
(ii) Gold jewellery covered under Chapter 71.

(b) AIRs of Duty Drawback have been rationalised for silver jewellery/articles covered
under Chapter 71.

(c) Vinyl Sulphone Ester is currently classified for duty drawback purpose under Tariff
Item (TI) 292205. In light of its proper classification under Customs Tariff Heading
2930, a separate entry for Vinyl Sulphone Ester is being inserted under TI 293001.
The duty drawback rate and cap amount for the item remain unchanged. The existing
entry for Vinyl Sulphone Ester (TI 292205) has been deleted.

(d) Description of TIs 870301, 870303, 870305 and 870307 pertaining to motor cars of
various engine capacities with Manual Transmission (MT) has been changed. The
amended description now includes motor cars with Automated Manual Transmission
(AMT) in the respective tariff items. The change in description will allow motor cars
with AMT to claim the same AIRs of duty drawback as given to motor cars with
3. Suitable Public Notice/Standing Order should be issued for guidance of the trade/field
formations. Difficulties faced, if any, in implementation of the changes may be brought to the
notice of the Board.

Yours faithfully,

(Gopal Krishna Jha)
Director (Drawback)
Tel: 23360581
circulars no 33 2020 | iKargos