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Anti-dumping duty on Vitamin-C originating in or exported from the People"s Republic of China and Japan.
In exercise of the powers conferred by sub-section (1) of section 9A of the Customs Tariff Act, 1975 (51 of 1975), read with
rules 18 and 20 of the Customs Tariff (Identification, Assessment and Collection of Anti-dumping Duty on Dumped Articles and
for Determination of Injury) Rules, 1995, and based upon the final findings of the Designated Authority published in the Gazette
of India Extraordinary, Part I, Section 1, dated 26th May, 1998, that there has been import into India of Vitamin-C originating in
or exported from the People"s Republic of China and Japan below normal value, and that the Indian industrylias suffered
material injury, and that the imports caused material injury to the Indian industry, the Central Government hereby imposes on
Vilamin-C falling under sub-heading 2936.27 of the First Schedule to the said Customs Tariff Act, when originating in or
exported from the country specified in column (2) of the table hereto annexed, and imported into India, an anti-dumping duty at
the rates specified in column (3) of the said Table.
Sl. No.
Name of country originating in
or from where exported
Rate of Duty
(in Rs. per Kg.)
(1)(2) (3)
1.Japan 27.59
2.China 61.96
Notification No. 53/98-Cns., dated 24-7-1998.
Index of Notifications
notifications no 53 98 cus | iKargos