Circular No.23 / 2022-Customs
F. No.450/155/2020-Cus. IV(Pt)
Government of India
Ministry of Finance
Department of Revenue
(Central Board of Indirect Taxes & Customs)
Room No.227B, North Block,
New Delhi, dated 3
November, 2022.

All Principal Chief Commissioners/ Chief Commissioners of Customs/ Customs (Preventive)
/ Customs & Central Tax
All Principal Commissioners/ Commissioners of Customs/ Customs (Preventive)
All Principal Directors General/ Directors General, under CBIC.

Subject: Faceless Assessment - Anonymized Escalation Mechanism & extension of
Standard Examination Orders through RMS (Phase 1, Part 2) - reg.

The attention of field formations is drawn to Board's Circular No.14/2021-Customs dated
07.07.2021 in consequence of which an initial Anonymized Escalation Mechanism (AEM) was
introduced by the Directorate of Systems' ICEGATE Advisory dated 02.08.2022. The undersigned is
directed to say that keeping in view that the said AEM operates after IGM number with date is recorded
in bill of entry (i.e. after arrival of goods), the Board hereby sensitizes the Pr.Chief/Chief
Commissioners, in their roles as Zone and / or NAC heads, to the necessity of their monitoring to
ensuring that an aspect lodged in the said AEM is not allowed to linger and that all successive actions
are quickly taken without loss of time no sooner the aspect has been lodged in said AEM. They should
devise whatever means are necessary for doing this. The Pr.Chief/Chief Commissioners should also
keep note of the root cause(s) that needed to be redressed and the administrative/systemic actions to
be adopted to achieve that redress, so that sustained improvements are made towards expediting
customs clearances.

2. Your attention is also drawn to Board's Circular No. 16/2022-Customs dated 29.08.2022
regarding phased implementation of Standard Examination Orders. To harmonize the examination
orders across FAGs, the Board had decided to implement system-generated centralized examination
orders in a phased manner. The Phase 1 referred to case of risk-based selection for examination after
assessment (second check examination). Initially, in Part 1 of this phase, the goods under Assessment
Group 4 in all Customs Stations were covered with effect from 05.09.2022. Based on the feedback
received, from the National Customs Targeting Centre (NCTC), regarding the readiness for further
rollout of the implementation of Standard Examination Orders through the Risk Management
System, the Board has decided that in Part 2 of Phase 1, from 15.11.2022 the goods under
Assessment Group 5 (Chapter 84) shall also be covered. Accordingly, the Circular No. 16/2022-
Customs stands modified.

3. Difficulties, if any, in the implementation may be brought to the notice of the Board. The Hindi
version follows.

Yours faithfully,

(Ananth Rathakrishnan)
Deputy Secretary to the Government of India
circulars no 23 2022 | iKargos