Our Ref: Registration/G-10 28 April 2022
Sub: Market surveillance of products covered under Compulsory Registration Scheme
1. BIS, the National Standards Body of India, is operating the Compulsory Registration
Scheme (CRS) based on Scheme II of Schedule II of BIS (Conformity Assessment)
Regulations, 2018. The scheme is based on self-declaration of conformity by the
manufacturers. Over the years, the number of licences under this scheme has grown
manifold. This is turn, calls for a mechanism to ensure that only products complying
with the applicable Standard(s) are available/sold in the market. Market surveillance
is a critical aspect of CRS to ascertain the quality of the products available in the
market. A robust surveillance mechanism is essential to check the conformance of
certified products available in the market to the applicable standard(s). Such
surveillance activities also provide input and opportunities for improvement to the
2. BIS is in the process of initiating market surveillance based on the provisions laid
down under subparagraph 6 of paragraph 3 of Scheme II of Schedule II BIS
(Conformity Assessment) Regulations, 2018.
3. As per conditions of license to use Standard Mark under Regulation 6 of BIS
(Conformity Assessment) Regulations, 2018, all licensees are required to submit
details of their consignees, distributors, dealers or retailers. In case of multiple brands
under a single license, the details may please be submitted brand-wise. Further as per
subparagraph 8 of paragraph 5 of Scheme II of Schedule II of BIS (Conformity
Assessment) Regulations, 2018, the licensees will have to bear the cost of
For effective implementation of surveillance, all licensees have to deposit the
surveillance cost.
4. It is intended to take up the market surveillance activity in phases. Emails/letters are
being sent to the concerned licensees for providing the requisite information and
depositing the fees with BIS.
5. A system is being developed for feeding the consignee details and depositing the fees
online. Till the time it is ready, the information may please be provided by email and
the fees may be deposited through Demand Draft.
6. It is requested to submit details of the consignees, distributors, dealers or retailers
through email in the format as attached and deposit the surveillance cost within 10
and 15 days’ respectively of receipt of e-mail/letter by Demand Draft drawn in favour
of Bureau of Indian Standards payable at Delhi. The format for submission of details
of consignees is attached as Annexure II of this circular.
7. In case the requisite information is not submitted and the fees are not deposited within
the stipulated time frame, the same will be construed as a violation of conditions
licence to use or apply Mark and appropriate action including suspension/
cancellation of license may be initiated as per the provisions of BIS (Conformity
Assessment) Regulations, 2018.
8. The procedure for executing surveillance is attached as Annexure I with this circular.
(Koushik Dutta)
Scientist E & Head
Annexure I
Procedure for carrying out surveillance (for circulation to licensees)
1. Collection of Surveillance Cost: As per the provisions of subparagraph 8 of paragraph
5 of Scheme II of Schedule II of BIS (Conformity Assessment) Regulations, 2018, the
cost of samples and testing fee of the sample drawn for surveillance shall be paid by the
licensee. For effective and hassle-free implementation of surveillance process, charges
associated with surveillance shall be collected in advance (interest free) from the licensee.
The licensee shall deposit the surveillance cost for their respective products for the
licenses held by them which will be retained by BIS and refunded only at the time of
expiry/cancellation of licence.
2. Upon completion of procurement, packaging/transportation and submission of the
samples to BIS/BIS recognized labs, actual invoice (s) shall be raised to the
licensee/Authorized Indian Representative against which payment shall be made by the
manufacturer/Authorized Indian Representative to replenish the cost incurred by BIS
alongwith applicable taxes.
3. Refund: In the event of expiry/ cancellation of licence, the licensee/ Authorized Indian
Representative may raise a refund request for claiming outstanding balance amount
(interest free), if any. BIS shall verify and process the refund claims in due course.
4. Revision of Surveillance Cost: The surveillance cost is subject to revision by BIS from
time to time. In the event of revision, all licensees shall comply with the revised
surveillance charges.
5. Drawl of Sample: BIS can draw the samples from open market, organized buyers,
dispatch points etc. For foreign manufactures, where Authorized Indian Representative/
Importer is not the end consumer, the manufacturer shall submit details of their
distribution channel(s) including warehouse, wholesalers, retailers etc. where the product
will be available.
6. Final Stage of Surveillance: Once the test reports are received and are found non
complying with the applicable Standard(s), BIS shall notify the licensee/Authorized
Indian Representative and actions shall be initiated in accordance with guidelines to deal
with non-conformity(s) of surveillance sample(s)
7. Disposal of Samples/Remnants: Once the surveillance process is complete and the test
report is passing, Registration Department shall notify through the portal to the
licensee/Authorized Indian Representative to collect the sample from the concerned
laboratory to which the sample was sent for testing. The details of the testing lab shall be
disclosed to the licensee/Authorized Indian Representative only after the surveillance
process is complete. In case the samples are not collected by the licensee/Authorized
Indian Representative, laboratories can dispose off the samples as per the disposal policy
under the Laboratory Recognition Scheme (LRS) of BIS.
Annexure II
Format for submission of details of consignee(Domestic Manufacturers)
Name of Address State/ Disrict City Email- Mobile Details of Number of Name of
Consignee UT ID No Consignment Units Contact
Unit despatched Person
Format for submission of details of consignee(Foreign Manufacturers)
Name of
Address State/UT Disrict City Email-
Details of
Number of
Date of
Arrival in
Note for foreign manufacturers: In case importer is not the end user, details of
wholesalers/distributors/retailers are to be provided