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Circular No.35/2020-Customs

Government of India
Ministry of Finance
Department of Revenue
(Central Board of Indirect Taxes & Customs)

Room No.229B, North Block, New Delhi,
Dated the 10
of August, 2020


All Principal Chief Commissioners/ Chief Commissioners of Customs/ Customs (Preventive),
All Principal Chief Commissioners/ Chief Commissioners of Customs & Central tax,
All Principal Commissioners/ Commissioners of Customs/ Customs (Preventive),
All Principal Commissioners/ Commissioners of Customs & Central tax,


Subject: Revised procedure for Import of Pets / Live Animals - reg.

Attention is invited to Board’s Circular 9/2002-Cus dated 30.01.2002, 94/2002-Cus dated
23.12.2002, 15/2013-Cus dated 8.4.2013 and 25/2013- Cus dated 1.7.2013. The above Circulars have
laid out a process relating to import of Pet / Live Animals including cat and dog in various scenarios
such as import by passengers in general, import by passengers under Transfer of Residence in terms
of Baggage Rules 1998, Re-import etc.

2. Now the Ministry of Fisheries, Animal Husbandry & Dairying, Department of Animal Husbandry
& Dairying (DAHD) has issued Office Memorandum dated 15.07.2020 vide F. No. L-110110/26/2019-
Trade(E-14194) prescribing procedure for import of Live Animals in general and also for import of pets
(only Dogs and Cats) as baggage/Personal imports by Passengers. The Relevant portion is reproduced
for ease of reference:

“for "Ease of Understanding and Doing Business" as well as streamlining the
complete process of import of live animals into lndia by the importers, the Standard
Operating Procedures (SOPs); Process for import; Application Form for obtaining
advance No Objection Certificate from AQCS; Veterinary Health Certificate format
to fulfill lndian requirements; format for advance No Objection Certificate; format
for Physical Examination of Pet at port of arrival; format for Physical Examination
of the pet/animals during Quarantine period at AQCS; format for final No Objection
Certificate, etc. have been standardized for import of live animals including pets
into lndia and are annexed herewith. The details of post-import tests and name of
laboratories where required tests will be done, has also been mentioned”.

3. The DAHD has also clarified that:

“the concerned AQCS will inspect only those documents which pertain to veterinary
health requirements. The other documents/ licenses, which are required under
various rules & regulations of other Departments including Customs, shall be
inspected by the Customs authorities”.

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The above said O.M dated 15.07.2020 can be accessed in the following URL
f%20live%20animals_0.pdf ).

4. In view of above revised SOP & modified forms, with the approval of competent authority, it
has been decided to withdraw circulars mentioned in para 1 with immediate effect.

5. It has further been decided that the following procedure shall be followed for clearance of
pets/live animals including cats and dogs:

5.1 Following steps may be kept in mind by the importers/Airlines before arrival for import of
Pet/Live Animals to ensure quicker clearance:

Scenario Procedure to be adopted before arrival
1 Maximum of 2 Pets (only dog and
cat) brought with passengers
eligible and availing Transfer of
Residence after 2 years stay abroad.
1. Passenger to ensure eligibility about transfer of residence
under Baggage Rules, 2016

2. Passenger to obtain Veterinary Health Certificate from
Country of Export as per the above said O.M. (For Ease of
Reference, Format from the said O.M is given as Annex 1 & 2 for
Dogs and Cats respectively.)

3. Passenger to apply for advance NOC to AQCS and obtain the

4. Airline will not lift the live animals until advance NOC from
AQCS is obtained by the passenger.

2 Re-Import of pets by passengers 1. Passenger to ensure that he possesses copy of earlier
Veterinary Health Certificate for export issued by AQCS India.

2. Passenger to obtain veterinary Health Certificate from
Country of Export as per the above said O.M. (For Ease of
Reference Format from the said O.M is given as Annex 1 & 2 for
Dogs and Cats respectively.)

3. Passenger to apply for advance NOC to AQCS and obtain the

4. Airline will not lift the live animal until advance NOC from
AQCS is obtained by the passenger.

3 All cases other than those
mentioned at Sl. 1 & 2 above
i. Pets brought by the
passengers for short stay.
ii. Import of Commercial Dogs
for Commercial purpose (For
R&D purpose with
recommendation of
CPCSEA/Security purpose).

1. Importer to obtain Veterinary Health Certificate from Country
of Export as per format in the above said O.M

2. Importer to obtain Import License from DGFT.

3. Importer to apply for advance NOC to AQCS and obtain the

4. Airline will not lift the live animal until advance NOC from
AQCS is obtained by the Importer.

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5.2 On arrival, the Customs Officers shall allow clearance only based on final NOC provided by
AQCS after the examination of said pets/live animals and production of DGFT license and/or clearance
of WCCB, wherever applicable. For the procedures related to clearance by AQCS, the above said O.M
referred in para 2 may be referred to.

6. These instructions may be brought the notice of the trade / airlines / carriers by issuing
suitable Trade / Public Notices. Suitable Standing order / instructions may be issued for the guidance
of the filed officers.

7. Difficulties faced, if any, may be brought to the notice of the Board immediately.

(Ananth Rathakrishnan)
Deputy Secretary(Customs)

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Veterinary Health Certificate for Import of Pet Dogs into India
(As per Annex 1.1.1 of above said O.M dated 15.07.2020 by DAHD)

Name and Address of the owner(s) of the dog(s)......................................
Contact No:

2. Description
Breed of Dog:.......................................................................................
Age or date of birth:..............................................................................
Coat type and marking/ Distinguish mark:...........................................
Identification/ Microchip number:.........................................................

3.Additional Information
Country of origin:...................................................................................
Countries visited over the past two years as declared by owner (give dates):

4. Sanitary Information
I, the undersigned, Official Veterinarian hereby certify that the dog(s) described above and
examined on this day:
a) Show/shows no clinical sign of any disease including rabies, canine distemper, parvo virus
infection, leptospirosis, Infectious Canine Hepatitis, Scabies and Leishmaniasis.
b) Has/have been vaccinated for rabies (in case it is more than three months of age) Canine
distemper, parvo virus infection, leptospirosis within the time limit recommended by the vaccine
manufacturer licensed and approved by the exporting country (name of the vaccine, batch number,
and the date of vaccination must be shown on the passport/pet book/health card of dog(s) as the
case may be).
c) Has/have been under treatment (if any) with following details
(i) Type of treatment
(ii) Type of medication

Official Stamp:
Issued at ........................ on............

Name and address of Official Veterinarian
Registration No. :...............................
Contact no……………………………………….

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Annexure 2
Veterinary Health Certificate for Import of Pet Cats into India
(As per Annex 2.1.1 of above said O.M dated 15
July 2020 by DAHD)

Name and Address of the owner(s) of the cat(s)...........................................................................
Contact no.: ........................................................................

Breed of Cat(s):...........................................................................................
Age or date of birth:......................................................................................
Coat type and marking/ Distinguish mark:...................................................
Identification number:...................................................................................

Additional Information
Country of origin:...........................................................................................
Countries visited over the past two years as declared by owner (give dates):

Sanitary Information
I, the undersigned, Official Veterinarian hereby certify that the cat(s) described above and
examined on this day:
a. Show/shows no clinical sign of any disease including rabies, feline enteritis, feline pan
leukopenia, leptospirosis, distemper, scabies, aujeszky’s disease, toxoplasmosis etc.
b. Has been vaccinated for rabies (in case it is more than three months of age) within the time limit
recommended by the manufacturer of vaccine licensed and approved by the exporting country
(name of the vaccine, batch number and the date of vaccination must be shown on the veterinary

c. Has/have been under treatment (if any) with following details
i Type of treatment
ii Type of medication

Official Stamp:
Issued at .....................on............

Name and address of Official Veterinarian
Registration No.....................................
Contact no………………………………………….
circulars no 35 2020 | iKargos