Circular No. 177/09/2022-TRU
Government of India
Ministry of Finance
Department of Revenue
(Tax Research Unit)
Room No. 146G, North Block,
New Delhi, the 3
August, 2022
The Principal Chief Commissioners/ Chief Commissioners/ Principal Commissioners/
Commissioner of Central Tax (All),
The Principal Director Generals/ Director Generals (All)
Subject: Clarifications regarding applicable GST rates & exemptions on certain services–
Representations have been received seeking clarification on the following issues:
1. Rate of GST applicable on supply of ice-cream by ice-cream parlors during the period from
01.07.2017 to 05.10.2021;
2. Applicability of GST on application fee charged for entrance or the fee charged for issuance
of eligibility certificate for admission or for issuance of migration certificate by educational
3. Whether storage or warehousing of cotton in baled or ginned form is covered under entry
24B of Notification No. 12/2017-Central Tax (Rate) which exempted services by way of
storage and warehousing of raw vegetable fibres such as cotton before 18.07.2022;
4. Whether exemption under Sl. No. 9B of notification No. 12/2017- Central Tax (Rate) dated
28.06.2017 covers services associated with transit cargo both to and from Nepal and
5. Applicability of GST on sanitation and conservancy services supplied to Army and other
Central and State Government departments;
6. Whether the activity of selling of space for advertisement in souvenirs is eligible for
concessional rate of 5%;
7. Taxability and applicable rate of GST on transport of minerals from mining pit head to
railway siding, beneficiation plant etc., by vehicles deployed with driver for a specific
duration of time;
8. Whether location charges or preferential location charges (PLC) collected in addition to
the lease premium for long term lease of land constitute part of the lease premium or
upfront amount charged for long term lease of land and are eligible for the same tax
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9. Applicability of GST on payment of honorarium to the Guest Anchors;
10. Whether the additional toll fees collected in the form of higher toll charges from vehicles
not having fastag is exempt from GST;
11. Applicability of GST on services in the form of Assisted Reproductive Technology (ART)/
In vitro fertilization (IVF);
12. Whether sale of land after levelling, laying down of drainage lines etc., is taxable under
13. Situations in which corporate recipients are liable to pay GST on renting of motor vehicles
designed to carry passengers;
14. Whether hiring of vehicles by firms for transportation of their employees to and from work
is exempt under Sr. No. 15(b) of Notification No. 12/2017-Central Tax (Rate) transport of
passengers by non-air conditioned contract carriage;
15. Whether supply of service of construction, supply, installation and commissioning of dairy
plant on turn-key basis constitutes a composite supply of works contract service and is
eligible for concessional rate of GST prior to 18.07.2022;
16. Applicability of GST on tickets of private ferry used for passenger transportation.
2. The issues have been examined by GST Council in the 47
meeting held on 28
and 29
June, 2022. The issue-wise clarifications as recommended by the GST Council are below:
3. Rate of GST applicable on supply of ice-cream by ice-cream parlors during the period
from 01.07.2017 to 05.10.2021
3.1 On the recommendation of the GST Council in its 45
meeting, it was clarified vide circular
164/20/2021-GST dated 06.10.2021 that ice cream parlours sell already manufactured ice- cream
and they do not have a character of a restaurant and hence, ice cream sold by a parlour or any
similar outlet attracts standard rate of GST @ 18% with ITC.
3.2 Representations have been received requesting that GST at 18% may be levied on supply
of ice-cream by ice-cream parlors with effect from 06.10.2021.
3.3 It has been represented that ice cream parlors which paid GST @ 5% without ITC in view
of prevailing doubt before the issuance of the Circular dated 6.10.2021 did not avail ITC and paid
5% in cash. Such ice-cream parlors have thus foregone significant ITC benefit.
3.4 Considering the overall circumstances of the case, it is clarified that past cases of payment
of GST on supply of ice-cream by ice-cream parlors @ 5% without ITC shall be treated as fully
GST paid to avoid unnecessary litigation. Since the decision is only to regularize the past practice,
no refund of GST shall be allowed, if already paid at 18%. With effect from 6.10.2021, the ice
Cream parlors are required to pay GST on supply of ice-cream at the rate of 18% with ITC.
4. Applicability of GST on application fee charged for entrance or the fee charged for
issuance of eligibility certificate for admission or for issuance of migration certificate by
educational institutions
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4.1 Representations have been received regarding applicability of GST on application fee
charged for entrance or the fee charged for issuance of eligibility certificate for admission or for
issuance of migration certificate by educational institutions.
4.2 In this regard, it is stated that educational services supplied by educational institutions to
its students are exempt from GST vide entry 66 of the notification No. 12/2017 Central Tax (Rate)
dated 28.06.2017 relevant portion of which reads as under, -
“Services provided –
a. by an educational institution to its students, faculty and staff;
[(aa) by an educational institution by way of conduct of entrance examination against
consideration in the form of entrance fee;]...”
4.3 Therefore, it can be seen that all services supplied by an ‘educational institution’ to its
students are exempt from GST. Consideration charged by the educational institutes by way of
entrance fee for conduct of entrance examination is also exempt. The exemption is wide enough
to cover the amount or fee charged for admission or entrance, or amount charged for application
fee for entrance, or the fee charged from prospective students for issuance of eligibility certificate
to them in the process of their entrance/admission to the educational institution. Services supplied
by an educational institution by way of issuance of migration certificate to the leaving or ex-
students are also covered by the exemption. Accordingly, such activities of educational institution
are also exempt.
4.4 Accordingly, it is clarified that the amount or fee charged from prospective students for
entrance or admission, or for issuance of eligibility certificate to them in the process of their
entrance/admission as well as the fee charged for issuance of migration certificates by educational
institutions to the leaving or ex-students is covered by exemption under Sl. No. 66 of Notification
No. 12/2017-Central Tax (Rate) dated 28.06.2017.
5. Whether storage or warehousing of cotton in baled or ginned form is covered under
entry 24B of Notification No. 12/2017-Central Tax (Rate) which exempted services by way
of storage and warehousing of raw vegetable fibres such as cotton before 18.07.2022.
5.1 Representations have been received regarding applicability of GST exemption on the service
of storage or warehousing of cotton in baled or ginned form.
5.2 Prior to 18.07.2022, entry 24 B of Notification No. 12/2017-Central Tax (Rate) dated
28.06.2017 exempted services by way of storage and warehousing of, inter alia, raw vegetable
fibers such as cotton, flax, jute etc. Cotton Fiber glossary by defines ‘cotton
staple, virgin cotton or raw cotton’ as cotton fibers that are removed from the cotton seed by the
gin. Further, CESTAT Chandigarh in the case of R.K.& Sons vs CCE, Rohtak dated 14
July 2016
has observed as under:
“Cotton (with seeds) as plucked from cotton plants can hardly be called cotton fibre in
which case cotton fibre would come into existence only after the seeds are ginned away
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from cotton plucked from cotton plants. Cotton fibre obtained by ginning cotton plucked
cotton plants is nothing but raw cotton fibre because there cannot be rawer form of cotton
fibre obtained from cotton-with-seeds plucked from cotton plants.”
5.3 Accordingly, it is clarified that service by way of storage or warehousing of cotton in
ginned and or baled form was covered under entry 24B of notification No. 12/2017- Central Tax
(Rate) dated 28.06.2017 in the category of raw vegetable fibres such as cotton. It may however be
noted that this exemption has been withdrawn w.e.f 18.07.2022
6. Whether exemption under Sl. No. 9B of notification No. 12/2017- Central Tax (Rate)
dated 28.06.2017 covers services associated with transit cargo both to and from Nepal and
6.1 Representations have been received regarding applicability of GST on transportation of
empty containers returning from Nepal and Bhutan after delivery of transit cargo, to India.
6.2 GST on supply of services associated with transit cargo to Nepal and Bhutan was
exempted w.e.f 29.09.2017 based on recommendations of the 20
GST Council Meeting. The
opening sentence of the Agenda Item 7(ix) placed before the GST Council on this issue, makes it
clear that the proposal was to exempt supply of services associated with transit cargo both to and
from Nepal and Bhutan.
6.3 Accordingly, as recommended by the GST Council, it is clarified that exemption under Sl.
No. 9B of Notification 12/2017- Central Tax (Rate) covers services associated with transit cargo
both to and from Nepal and Bhutan.
6.4 It is also clarified that movement of empty containers from Nepal and Bhutan, after delivery
of goods there, is a service associated with the transit cargo to Nepal and Bhutan and is therefore
covered by the exemption.
6.5 Needless to say that the cargo has to be transshipped / transited to Nepal and Bhutan, as
per Regulations under the Customs Act read with the Treaties for Trade & Transit with Nepal &
Bhutan. Under the regulations/procedures, the container number, which is a unique alpha numeric
identifier for the container, is declared. Further, the Customs broker / shipping line / carrier is
responsible for making available a track and trace facility for locating goods brought for
6.6 With respect to transit or transhipment of cargo to Nepal, specific regulations namely
Transhipment of Cargo to Nepal under Electronic Cargo Tracking System Regulations, 2019 have
been notified. It is relevant to mention here that as per these regulations also, the authorized carrier
has to execute a general bond for an amount as directed by the proper officer. The authorized
carrier also has to procure ECTS (Electronic Cargo Tracking System) from a bi-laterally appointed
managed service provider. In order to discharge the bond, the proper officer of customs has to
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extract trip reports from the ECTS web application as proof of completion of transhipment. The
reconciliation of transhipment of consignments shall be carried out on the basis of trip report, by
the proper officer at the Ports of Kolkata, Haldia or Visakhapatnam, as the case may be, and then
only the general bond submitted by the authorised carrier will be re-credited or discharged.
6.7 As can be seen from the above, the regulations governing transit / transhipment have to be
followed in addition to the ensuring that an electronic track and trace facility is in place. This
facility uses container numbers to locate the cargo. Thus, it is verifiable that the empty container
returning from Nepal or Bhutan is the same container which was used to deliver goods to Nepal
or Bhutan.
7. Applicability of GST on sanitation and conservancy services supplied to Army and
other Central and State Government departments
7.1 Representations have been received regarding taxability of sanitation and conservancy
services supplied to Army and other Central and State Government departments.
7.2 Municipalities and Panchayats and other local authorities such as Cantonment Boards listed
in Section 2(69) of the Central Goods and Services Tax act, 2017 carry out functions entrusted to
them under articles 243W & 243G of the Constitution respectively. Functions that may be
entrusted to panchayats and municipalities are listed in Schedule 11 & 12 of the Constitution.
Central Government, State Governments & Union Territories also perform functions listed in
Schedule 11 & 12 such as irrigation, public health etc.
7.3 Services by Central Government, State Government, Union Territory or any local authority
by way of any activity in relation to a function entrusted to a Panchayat under article 243G of the
constitution or to a municipality under article 243W of the constitution have been declared as
‘neither a supply of goods nor a supply of service’ vide notification no. 14/2017- Central Tax
(Rate) dated 28.06.2017.
7.4 The exemption under entry 3& 3A of notification 12/2017- Central Tax (Rate) dated
28.06.2017 has been given on pure services & composite supplies procured by Central
Government, State Government, Union Territories or local authorities for performing functions
listed in the 11
and 12
schedule of the constitution.
7.5 It is clarified that if such services are procured by Indian Army or any other Government
Ministry/Department which does not perform any functions listed in the 11
and 12
Schedule, in
the manner as a local authority does for the general public, the same are not eligible for exemption
under Sl. No. 3 and 3A of Notification 12/2017- Central Tax (Rate).
8. Whether the activity of selling of space for advertisement in souvenirs is eligible for
concessional rate of 5%.
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8.1 Representation has been received regarding the GST rate applicable on selling of space for
advertisement in souvenirs published in the form of books by different institutions/organizations
like educational institutions, social, cultural and religious organizations including clubs etc.
8.2 As per serial number (i) of entry 21 of notification No. 11/2017-Central Tax (Rate) dated
28.06.2017 selling of space for advertisement in print media attracts GST @ 5%. The term ‘print
media’ has been defined in clause (zt) of notification No.12/2017-Central Tax (Rate) dated
28.06.2017 as under:
“print media” means, —
i. ‘book’ as defined in sub-section (1) of section 1 of the Press and Registration of Books
Act, 1867 (25 of 1867), but does not include business directories, yellow pages and trade
catalogues which are primarily meant for commercial purposes;
ii. …….
8.3 Further, sub-section (1) of section 1 of the Press and Registration of Books Act, 1867
defines ‘book’ as follows:
“Book” includes every volume, part or division of a volume, and pamphlet, in any language
and every sheet of music, map, chart or plan separately printed.
8.4 It therefore appears that ‘book’ has been defined in the Press and Registration of Books
Act, 1867 in an inclusive manner with a wide ambit which would cover souvenir book also.
8.5 Accordingly, as recommended by the GST Council, it is clarified sale of space for
advertisement in souvenir book is covered under serial number (i) of entry 21 of Notification No.
11/2017-Central Tax (Rate) and attracts GST @ 5%.
9. Taxability and applicable rate of GST on transport of minerals from mining pit head
to railway siding, beneficiation plant etc., by vehicles deployed with driver for a specific
duration of time.
9.1 Representations have been received to clarify the taxability of transport of minerals within
a mining area, say from mining pit head to railway siding, beneficiation plant etc., by vehicles
deployed with driver for a specific duration of time and whether the same would be covered under
Sr. No. 18 of notification No. 12/2017- Central Tax (Rate) dated 28.06.2017 which exempts
transport of goods by road except by a GTA.
9.2 Usually in such cases the vehicles such as tippers, dumpers, loader, trucks etc., are given
on hire to the mining lease operator. Expenses for fuel are generally borne by the recipient of
service. The vehicles with driver are at the disposal of the mining lease operator for transport of
minerals within the mine area (mining pit to railway siding, beneficiation plant etc.) as per his
requirement during the period of contract.
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9.3 Such services are nothing but “rental services of transport vehicles with operator” which
fall under heading 9966 and attract GST @ 18% under Sr. No. 10 part (iii) of notification No.
11/2017- Central Tax (Rate) dated 28.06.2017. The person who takes the vehicle on rent defines
how and when the vehicles will be operated, determines schedules, routes and other operational
considerations. The person who gives the vehicles on rent with operator can not be said to be
supplying the service by way of transport of goods.
9.4 Accordingly, as recommended by the GST Council, it is clarified that such renting of trucks
and other freight vehicles with driver for a period of time is a service of renting of transport
vehicles with operator falling under Heading 9966 and not service of transportation of goods by
road. This being so, it is not eligible for exemption under Sl. No. 18 of notification No. 12/2017-
Central Tax (Rate) dated 28.06.2017. On such rental services of goods carriages where the cost of
fuel is in included in the consideration charged from the recipient of service, GST rate has been
reduced from 18% to 12% with effect from 18.07.2022. Prior to 18.07.2022, it attracted GST at
the rate of 18%.
10. Whether location charges or preferential location charges (PLC) collected in addition
to the lease premium for long term lease of land constitute part of the lease premium or of
upfront amount charged for long term lease of land and are eligible for the same tax
10.1 Representation has been received seeking clarification whether location charges or
preferential location charges (PLC) collected in addition to the lease premium for long term lease
of land constitute part of the lease premium or upfront amount charged for long term lease of land
and are eligible for the same tax treatment.
10.2 As per entry 41 of the notification No. 12/2017- Central Tax (Rate) dated 28.06.2017
upfront amount, which is defined as “upfront amount (called as premium, salami, cost, price,
development charges or by any other name) payable in respect of service by way of granting of
long term lease (of thirty years, or more) of industrial plots or plots for development of
infrastructure for financial business, provided by the State Government Industrial Development
Corporations or Undertakings or by any other entity having 20 per cent or more ownership of
Central Government, State Government, Union territory to the industrial units or the developers
in any industrial or financial business area”, is exempt from GST
10.3 Allowing choice of location of plot is integral part of supply of long-term lease of plot and
therefore, location charge is nothing but part of consideration charged for long term lease of plot.
Being charged upfront along with the upfront amount for the lease, the same is exempt.
10.4 Accordingly, as per recommendation of the GST Council, it is clarified that location
charges or preferential location charges (PLC) paid upfront in addition to the lease premium for
long term lease of land constitute part of upfront amount charged for long term lease of land and
are eligible for the same tax treatment, and thus eligible for exemption under Sl. No. 41 of
notification no. 12/2017- Central Tax (Rate) dated 28.06.2017.
11. Applicability of GST on payment of honorarium to the Guest Anchors
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11.1 Representation has been received regarding applicability of GST on honorarium paid to
Guest Anchors. Sansad TV and other TV channels invite guest anchors for participating in their
shows and pays remuneration to them in the form of honorarium. Some of the guest anchors have
requested payment of GST @ 18% on the honorarium paid to them for such appearances.
11.2 It is clarified that supply of all goods & services are taxable unless exempt or declared as
‘neither a supply of goods nor a supply of service’. Services provided by the guest anchors in lieu
of honorarium attract GST liability. However, guest anchors whose aggregate turnover in a
financial year does not exceed Rs 20 lakhs (Rs 10 lakhs in case of special category states) shall
not be liable to take registration and pay GST.
12. Whether the additional toll fees collected in the form of higher toll charges from
vehicles not having fastag is exempt from GST
12.1 Representation has been received regarding taxability of additional toll fees collected by the
Concessionaires from the vehicles which is not having Fastag.
12.2 Entry 23 of notification No.12/2017- Central Tax (Rate) dated 28th June, 2017 exempts
service by way of access to a road or a bridge on payment of toll charges.
12.3 Ministry of Road Transport & Highways (MORTH) vide circular dated 16.02.2021 has
directed to collect additional amount from the users of the road to the extent of two times of the
fees applicable to that category of vehicle which is not having a valid functional Fastag.
12.4 Essentially, the additional amount collected from the users of the road not having a
functional Fastag, is in the nature of Toll Charges and should be treated as additional toll charges.
12.5 On a similar issue of collection of overloading charges in the form of a higher toll (2/4/6/7
times of the base rate of toll), it has already been clarified vide circular number 164/20/2021-GST
dated 06.10.2021, which was issued on the basis of recommendation of GST Council that
overloading charges at toll plazas would get the same treatment as given to toll charges.
12.6 Therefore, it is clarified that additional fee collected in the form of higher toll charges from
vehicles not having Fastag is essentially payment of toll for allowing access to roads or bridges to
such vehicles and may be given the same treatment as given to toll charges.
13. Applicability of GST on services in form of Assisted Reproductive Technology (ART)/
In vitro fertilization (IVF)
13.1 Representations have been received to clarify whether GST is applicable on services by
way of Assisted Reproductive Technology (ART) procedures such as In vitro fertilization (IVF).
13.2 Health care services provided by a clinical establishment, an authorized medical
practitioner or para-medics are exempt. [Sl. No. 74 of notification No. 12/2017- Central Tax (Rate)
dated 28.06. 2017].
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13.3 Health care services is defined vide 2(zg) of the notification No. 12/2017- Central Tax
(Rate) dated 28.06. 2017 as –
“health care services” means any service by way of diagnosis or treatment or care for illness,
injury, deformity, abnormality or pregnancy in any recognised system of medicines in India and
includes services by way of transportation of the patient to and from a clinical establishment, but
does not include hair transplant or cosmetic or plastic surgery, except when undertaken to restore
or to reconstruct anatomy or functions of body affected due to congenital defects, developmental
abnormalities, injury or trauma.”
13.4 The abnormality/disease/ailment of infertility is treated using ART procedure such as IVF.
It is clarified that services by way of IVF are also covered under the definition of health care
services for the purpose of above exemption notification.
14. Whether sale of land after levelling, laying down of drainage lines etc., is taxable
under GST
14.1 Representation has been received requesting for clarification regarding applicability of
GST on sale of land after levelling, laying down of drainage lines etc.
14.2 As per Sl no. (5) of Schedule III of the Central Goods and Services Tax Act, 2017, ‘sale of
land’ is neither a supply of goods nor a supply of services, therefore, sale of land does not attract
14.3 Land may be sold either as it is or after some development such as levelling, laying down
of drainage lines, water lines, electricity lines, etc. It is clarified that sale of such developed land
is also sale of land and is covered by Sr. No. 5 of Schedule III of the Central Goods and Services
Tax Act, 2017 and accordingly does not attract GST.
14.4 However, it may be noted that any service provided for development of land, like levelling,
laying of drainage lines (as may be received by developers) shall attract GST at applicable rate for
such services.
15. Situations in which corporate recipients are liable to pay GST on renting of motor
vehicles designed to carry passengers
15.1 In case of services provided by a non-body corporate to a body corporate by way of renting
of any motor vehicle for transport of passengers, tax is required to be paid by the body corporate
under RCM.
15.2 Representations have been received to clarify whether RCM is applicable on service of
transportation of passengers (Heading 9964) or on renting of motor vehicle designed to carry
passengers (Heading 9966).
15.2 Renting of motor vehicle with operator for transport of passengers falls under Heading
9966. According to the explanatory notes to heading 9966, the service covered here is renting of
motor vehicle for transport of passengers for a period of time where the renter defines how and
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when the vehicles will be operated, determining schedules, routes and other operational
15.4 ‘Passenger transport services’ on the other hand fall under Heading 9964. According to the
explanatory notes Heading 9964 covers passenger transport services over pre-determined routes
on pre-determined schedules.
15.5 Therefore, a clear distinction exists in service of transport of passengers and renting of a
vehicle that is used for transport.
15.6 Accordingly, as recommended by the GST Council, it is clarified that where the body
corporate hires the motor vehicle (for transport of employees etc.) for a period of time, during
which the motor vehicle shall be at the disposal of the body corporate, the service would fall under
Heading 9966, and the body corporate shall be liable to pay GST on the same under RCM. It may
be seen that reverse charge thus would apply on act of renting of vehicles by body corporate and
in such a case, it is for the body corporate to use in the manner as it likes subject to agreement with
the person providing vehicle on rent.
15.7 However, where the body corporate avails the passenger transport service for specific
journeys or voyages and does not take vehicle on rent for any particular period of time, the service
would fall under Heading 9964 and the body corporate shall not be liable to pay GST on the same
under RCM.
16. Whether hiring of vehicles by firms for transportation of their employees to and from
work is exempt under Sr. No. 15(b) of Notification No. 12/2017-Central Tax (Rate) transport
of passengers by non-air conditioned contract carriage
16.1 Representations have been received to clarify whether the engagement of non-air
conditioned contract carriages by firms for transportation of their employees to and from work is
exempt under entry at Sr. No. 15(b) of notification No. 12/2017-Central Tax (Rate) dated
16.2 Sr. No. 15 (b) of notification No. 12/2017- Central Tax (Rate) dated 28.06.2017 exempts
“transport of passengers, with or without accompanied belongings, by non-air conditioned
contract carriage, other than radio taxi, for transport of passengers, excluding tourism, conducted
tour, charter or hire.”
16.3 It is clarified that ‘charter or hire’ excluded from the above exemption entry is charter or
hire of a motor vehicle for a period of time, where the renter defines how and when the vehicles
will be operated, determining schedules, routes and other operational considerations.
16.4 In other words, the said exemption would apply to passenger transportation services by
non-air conditioned contract carriages falling under Heading 9964 where according to explanatory
notes, transportation takes place over pre-determined route on a pre-determined schedule. The
exemption shall not be applicable where contract carriage is hired for a period of time, during
which the contract carriage is at the disposal of the service recipient and the recipient is thus free
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to decide the manner of usage (route and schedule) subject to conditions of agreement entered into
with the service provider.
17. Whether supply of service of construction, supply, installation and commissioning of
dairy plant on turn-key basis constitutes a composite supply of works contract service and is
eligible for concessional rate of GST prior to 18.07.2022.
17.1 Representation has been received seeking clarification regarding the applicable GST rate
on service of construction, supply, installation and commissioning of a 2.00 LLPD dairy plant on
turn-key basis.
17.2 In case of a turn key project for construction, supply, installation and commissioning of a
2.00 LLPD dairy plant, it has been held by Advance Ruling Authorities of Bihar and Gujarat that
the same does not result into an immovable property and is therefore not a supply of works
contract. This being so, such supply is not eligible for concessional rate of 12% applicable on
works contract supplied by way of construction, erection, commissioning, or installation of
original works pertaining to mechanized food grain handling system, machinery or equipment for
units processing agricultural produce as food stuff excluding alcoholic beverages.
17.3 In this regard, it may be seen that prior to 18.07.2022.serial number 3(v)(f) of notification
no. 11/2017 Central Tax (Rate) dated 28.06.2017 prescribes GST rate of 12 % on the composite
supply of works contract by way of construction, erection, commissioning, or installation of
original works pertaining to mechanized food grain handling system, machinery or equipment for
units processing agricultural produce as food stuff excluding alcoholic beverages.
17.4 It is clarified that a contract of the nature described here for construction, installation and
commissioning of a dairy plant constitutes supply of works contract. There is no doubt that dairy
plant which comes into existence as a result of such contracts is an immovable property.
17.5 It is also clarified that such works contract services were eligible for concessional rate of
12% GST under serial number 3(v)(f) of notification No. 11/2017 Central Tax (Rate) dated
28.06.2017 prior to 18.07.2022. With effect from 18.07.2022, such works contract services would
attract GST at the rate of 18% in view of amendment carried out in notification No. 11/2017-
Central Tax (Rate) vide notification No. 03/2022- Central Tax (Rate).
18. Applicability of GST on tickets of private ferry used for passenger transportation.
18.1 Representations have been received seeking clarification on applicability of GST on private
ferry tickets. It has been stated that these private ferries are used as means of transport from one
island to another in Andaman and Nicobar Islands.
18.2 As per Sl. No 17 (d) of notification No. 12/2017- Central Tax (Rate) dated 28.06.2017
“transportation of passengers by public transport, other than predominantly for tourism purpose,
in a vessel between places located in India” is exempted.
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18.3 It is clarified that this exemption would apply to tickets purchased for transportation from
one point to another irrespective of whether the ferry is owned or operated by a private sector
enterprise or by a PSU/government.
18.4 It is further clarified that, the expression ‘public transport’ used in the exemption
notification only means that the transport should be open to public. It can be privately or publicly
owned. Only exclusion is on transportation which is predominantly for tourism, such as services
which may combine with transportation, sightseeing, food and beverages, music, accommodation
such as in shikara, cruise etc.
19. Difficulties, if any, in implementation of this circular may be brought to the notice of the
Yours faithfully,
(Smita Roy)
Technical Officer, TRU