Circular No.28/2020-Customs

F. No.450/26/2019-Cus IV(Pt)
Government of India
Ministry of Finance
Department of Revenue
(Central Board of Indirect Taxes & Customs)
Room No.229A, North Block, New Delhi.
New Delhi, dated the 5
of June, 2020

All Principal Chief Commissioners/ Chief Commissioners of Customs/ Customs (Preventive),
All Principal Chief Commissioners/ Chief Commissioners of Customs & Central tax,
All Principal Commissioners/ Commissioners of Customs/ Customs (Preventive),
All Principal Commissioners/ Commissioners of Customs & Central tax,


Subject: 1st phase of All India roll-out of Faceless Assessment - reg.

Kind reference is invited to Circular No.09/2019-Customs, dated 28th February 2019,
which communicated Board’s decision to implement the next generation reforms in the Customs
clearance process under the umbrella of Turant Customs with the objectives of speedy
clearance, transparency in decision making, and ease of doing business. Subsequently, Board
rolled out numerous changes to the Customs clearance process, which combine together support
Turant Customs. These initiatives include the self-registration of goods by importers, automated
clearances of bills of entry, digitisation of customs documents, paperless clearance, etc. The stage
is now set for the roll out of the most critical reform under the Turant Customs viz., Faceless
2. The first pilot programme of Faceless Assessment (at times also referred commonly to as
anonymised assessment or virtual assessment) covering articles primarily falling under Chapter
84 of the Customs Tariff Act, 1975 was begun in Chennai on 14th August, 2019. Similar pilot
programmes were subsequently begun in Customs formations in Delhi, Bengaluru, Gujarat and
Visakhapatnam for articles primarily falling under other varied chapters such as chapters 85, 86
to 92, 39, 50 to 71 and 72 to 83 of the Customs Tariff Act, 1975. Taking into account the lessons
learned from these pilots, a consultation paper was placed in the public domain on 18
2020 for further comments and feedback. A large number of useful inputs were received in
response and these have been taken on board for revising the process flow and modalities for
implementing Faceless Assessment. Thus, Board is now ready to launch Faceless Assessment pan
India. At the same time, noting that Faceless Assessment is a complete departure from the
existing manner of Customs assessment, there is a need to introduce the changes in phases which
would give the trade and other stakeholders (including the Customs officers) time to adapt to the
changed scenario without any disruption of work. Thus, Board has decided to begin Faceless
Assessment in phases beginning with Customs stations which already have the experience of the
pilot programmes. Therefore, the first phase would begin from 8
June 2020 at Bengaluru and
Chennai for items of imports primarily covered by Chapters 84 and 85 of the Customs Tariff Act,
1975. The phased rollout plan envisages that Faceless Assessment shall be the norm pan India by
December 2020.

3. In order to introduce Phase 1 of Faceless Assessment at Bengaluru and Chennai from 8

June 2020 for imports primarily made under Chapters 84 and 85 of the Customs Tariff Act, 1975
at these Customs stations, Board has issued two notifications, as follows:
I. Notification No.50/2020-Customs (N.T.) dated 05.06.2020 implements Faceless
Assessment across different Principal Chief Commissioner/Chief Commissioner Zones. This
notification enables an assessing officer (proper officer under Sections 17 and 18 of the Customs
Act, 1962), who is physically located in a particular jurisdiction to assess a Bill of Entry
pertaining to imports made at a different Customs station, whenever such a Bill of Entry has been
assigned to him in the Customs Automated system. However, it is clarified that in the first phase
of the roll-out, this notification will be applied only for inter-linking of Bengaluru and Chennai
Customs zones for the purpose of Faceless Assessment. Thus, w.e.f. 8
June, 2020 the Customs
Automated System will assign the non-facilitated Bills of Entry filed for imports of articles
primarily falling under Chapters 84 and 85 of the Customs Tariff Act, 1975, at any of the
Customs stations at Bengaluru and Chennai to the officers of the concerned Faceless Assessment
group on a first-cum-first basis for assessment. In other words, irrespective of whether the goods
are imported at any Customs station falling under the jurisdiction of Bengaluru or Chennai
Customs Zone, the Bills of Entry pertaining primarily to the said two chapters will be marked by
the Customs Automated System to the nominated Faceless Assessment group for assessment.
II. Notification No.51/2020-Customs (N.T.) dated 05.06.2020 is issued for the purpose of
empowering the jurisdictional Commissioners of Customs (Appeals) at Bengaluru and Chennai to
take up appeals filed in respect of Faceless Assessments pertaining to imports made in their
jurisdictions even though the assessing officer may be located at the other Customs station. To
illustrate, Commissioners of Customs (Appeals) at Bengaluru would decide appeals filed for
imports at Bengaluru though the assessing officer is located at Chennai. This has been done to
ensure the trade is not put to any hardship and can get their appeals heard locally, as at present.
4. Further, as one of the main objectives of Faceless Assessment is speedy and uniform
assessment practices, in Phase 1 of Faceless Assessment, Board hereby nominates Principal
Commissioner/Commissioner of Customs, Bengaluru City, Bengaluru , Principal
Commissioner/Commissioner of Customs,Airport and Air Cargo Complex, Bengaluru, Principal
Commissioner/Commissioner of Customs (II), Chennai and Principal
Commissioner/Commissioner of Customs (VII), Air Cargo Complex Chennai to act as nodal
Commissioners for the purpose of administratively monitoring the assessment practice in respect
of imported goods which are assigned in the Customs Automated System to the officers of the
Faceless Assessment Groups in Bengaluru and Chennai, for articles primarily falling under
Chapters 84 and 85, of the Customs Tariff Act, 1975. The said nodal Commissioners would work
in a coordinated manner. This arrangement would pave the path to establish National Assessment
Commissionerates (NACs) with the mandate to examine the assessment practices of imported
articles across Customs stations and suggest measures to bring about uniformity and enhanced
quality of assessments. The NACs would be put in place as and when Faceless Assessment is
rolled out in phases across the country.
5. The Principal Chief Commissioners/ Chief Commissioners concerned shall set up
dedicated cells called Turant Suvidha Kendras, in every Customs station manned by custom
officers to cater to varied functions and roles which are clarified in Instruction No.09/2020 dated

05.06.2020. The Turant Suvidha Kendra is for facilitation of the trade in completing various
formalities relating to the Customs procedures in the new regime of Faceless Assessment. The
details of functions, roles, location and timing of the Turant Suvidha Kendras shall be intimated
by the local Customs administration to all stakeholders.
5.1. Turant Suvidha Kendra would be a dedicated cell in every Customs port of import and
will be manned by Custom officers to cater to functions and roles such as :
I. Accept Bond or Bank Guarantee;
II. Carry out any other verifications that may be referred by Faceless Assessment Groups;
III. Defacing of documents/ permits licences, wherever required;
IV. Debit of documents/ permits/ licences, wherever required; and
V. Other functions determined by Commissioner to facilitate trade.
6. Principal Chief Commissioner of Customs, Chennai and Chief Commissioner of Customs,
Bengaluru are requested to issue Public Notices and guide the trade suitably to ensure the smooth
roll out of Phase 1 of Faceless Assessment. In this regard reference may also be made to the
detailed instructions issued vide Board`s Instruction No.09/2020 Customs dated 05.06.2020.
7. Any difficulties, in this regard, may please be brought to notice of Board.

Yours faithfully,

(Eric C Lallawmpuia)
circulars no 28 2020 | iKargos