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February, 2002
Corrigendum to Notification No. 50/2001-Customs (N.T.)
In the Notification No.50/2001-Customs(N.T.) dated 4
October, 2001, published in part-II, Section 3, Sub-section ( i ) of the
Gazette of India (Extraordinary), vide G.S.R. 756(E), dated the 4
October, 2001, the Central Government hereby makes the
following corrections therein, in the following manner:-
1. In column 2, against Serial/Sub-Serial Nos.64.181, 64.182 and 64.183, the words "All kinds of leather
Chappals/Sandals" shall be read as "All kinds of Children's leather Chappals/Sandals."
2. In column 2, against Serial/Sub-Serial Nos.64.351, 64.352,and 64.353, the words "All kinds of Children's leather
Chappals/Sandals" shall be read as "All kinds of Children's leather Chappal/Sandal Uppers."
Alok Jha
Under Secretary to the Government of India
notifications no corrigendum | iKargos