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Circular No. 07/2025-Customs
Government of India
Ministry of Finance, Department of Revenue
(Central Board of Indirect Taxes & Customs)
Room No.229A, North Block, New Delhi.
Date: 5
March, 2025
All (Pr.) Chief Commissioners of Customs/Customs(Preventive)/ Customs & Central Tax,
All (Pr.) Commissioners of Customs/Customs (Preventive),
All (Pr.) Director Generals under CBIC.
Subject: Regulation of import of pet dog and pet cat under the Live- stock
Importation Act, 1898: Facilitation for final Quarantine Clearance - regarding.
Attention is invited to Board’s Circular No. 35/2020-Customs dated 10.08.2020. in
respect of revised procedure relating to import of Pet / Live Animals.
2. Now, the Ministry of Fisheries, Animal Husbandry & Dairying, Department of
Animal Husbandry & Dairying (DAHD) has issued Office Memorandum dated 20.02.2025
(copy enclosed), issued from File No. 109-01/2012-Trade (E-17748) prescribing Regulation
of import of pet dog and pet cat under the Live-stock Importation Act, 1898: Facilitation for
final Quarantine Clearance. The Relevant portion is reproduced for ease of reference:
“3. ln the interest of welfare of pet dog and pet cat as well as facilitation to owners,
the final "No Objection Certificate (NoC)" by the concerned AQCS will be issued to
imported pet dog and pet cat round the clock at the port of entry itself. However, the
owner has to ensure receiving of advance NoC from the respective AQCS after
submission of requisite documents and prior intimation of date & time of arrival
through email."
3. It may also be noted that import of pet dogs and pet cats is allowed only through the
following ports as notified by DAHD
(a)airports located at Delhi, Bengaluru, Hyderabad and Kochi; and
(b)seaports or airports located at Mumbai, Chennai and Kolkata.
4. In addition to the procedures stated in Circular No.35/2020-Customs dated
10.08.2020, the above facilitation measure by AQCS may be brought to the notice of the trade
/ airlines / carriers by issuing suitable Trade / Public Notices. Suitable Standing order /
instructions may be issued for the guidance of the field officers.
5. Difficulties faced, if any, may be brought to the notice of the Board immediately.
Hindi version follows.
Yours faithfully,
(Neeraj Goyal)
OSD (Customs III)
- DAHD notification no. S.O. 976(E) dated 20.04.2009, S.O. 1495(E) dated 10.06.2014, S.O. 191(E) dated
11.01.2023 and S.O. 4396(E) dated 10.10.2024.
401/21/2020-Cus.III I/108887/2025

Subject: Regulation of import of pet dog and pet cat under the Live-stock
lmportation Act, 1898: Facilitation for final Quarantine Clearance -
This Department is regulating import of pet dog and pet cat under the
Live-stock lmportation Act, 1898. The procedure for import of live animals into
lndia has been notified vide S.O. 1495 (E), dated 1Oth June, 2014 and its further
2. lt has come to notice of this Department that owners are feeling
troublesome in obtaining final quarantine clearance into lndia after importing
their pet dog and pet cat under the baggage rule. They have to report to
respective Animal Quarantine and Certification Service Station (AQCS) for final
quarantine clearance, poslimport.
3. ln the interest of welfare of pet dog and pet cat as well as facilitation to
owners, the final "No Objection Certificate (NoC)" by the concerned AQCS will
be issued to imported pet dog and pet cat round the clock at the port of entry
itself. However, the owner has to ensure receiving of advance NoC from the
respective AQCS after submission of requisite documents and prior intimation of
date & time of anival through email.
4. All AQCSs are requested to depict location of AQCS facilitation point for
final quarantine clearance along with advance NoC for easy understanding of
owners travelling with pet dog and pet cat. Further, the necessary arrangements
may also be ensured in thls regard.
5. This issues with the approval of the competent authority
(Dr. Gaqan Garql
5C-3{rq+d (eqrcR)
Deputy Commissioner (Trade)
File No. : 1 09-01 12012-T rade (E-177 48)
Government of lndia
IlFFr Err?Fr,
3ik ffi dTrdrq
Ministry of Fisheries, Animal Husbandry and Dairying
Department of Animal Husbandry and Dairying
gfrar+a, a$frrft-rro oor,
Krishi Bhawan, New Delhi-110 001,
Eai6./ Dated the 2Oh February,2025.

Regional Officer / Quarantine Officer
Animal Quarantine and Certification Service Station
Delhi / Mumbai / Kolkata / Chennai / Bengaluru / Hyderabad.
Copy to;
1) Director General, Directorate General of Foreign Trade, Vanijya Bhawan,
New Delhi.
2) Joint Secretary (Customs), Central Board of lndirect Taxes & Customs,
Department of Revenue, North Block, New Delhi.
3) Deputy Secretary, AQCS (Admn.), DAHD.
4) NlC, DAHD with a request to upload on the official website of DAHD and
Copy for information to;
1) Sr. PPS to the Secretary, AHD.
2) PPS / PS to the AS (C&DD/Trade) / AHC / JS (LH) / JS (Admn.).
circular no 07 2025 dated 05 mar 2025 | iKargos