dated 17
October, 2001
Corrigendum - Drawback Public Notice
Drawback Rates 2001-2002
(I) In the Notification No.29/2001-Customs(N.T.) dated 1
June, 2001, published in in part-II, Section 3, Sub-section ( i ) of the
Gazette of India (Extraordinary), vide G.S.R. 409(E), dated the 1
June, 2001, the Central Government hereby makes the
following corrections therein, in the following manner:-
1. In condition 2 (e) of the said Notification, the wording 'manufactured and/or exported in terms of clause (b) of Sub-rule (1) of
rule 12 of the Central Excise Rules,1944' shall be read as 'manufactured and/or exported in terms of rule 18 of the
Central Excise ( No.2) Rules,2001.'
2. In condition 2 (f) of the said Notification, the wording 'manufactured and/or exported in terms of clause (b) of Sub-rule (1) of
rule 13 of the Central Excise Rules,1944' shall be read as 'manufactured and/or exported in terms of rule 19 of the
Central Excise ( No.2) Rules,2001.'
(II) In the Notification No.50/2001-Customs(N.T.) dated 4
October, 2001, published in in part-II, Section 3, Sub-section (i) of
the Gazette of India (Extraordinary), vide G.S.R. 756(E), dated the 4
October, 2001, the Central Government hereby makes
the following corrections therein, in the following manner:-
1. In column 3, against Serial/Sub-serial No.33.02, the wordings 'per kg.' shall be read as 'per gross'.
2. In column 3, against Serial/Sub-serial Nos.60.07 and 60.08, the wordings 'per kg.' shall be read as 'per kg. of wool
content' .
3. In column 2, against Serial/Sub-serial No.63.04, the condition, 'when CENVAT facility has not been availed' shall be
4. In column 2, against Serial/Sub-serial No.63.081, the condition 'when CENVAT facility has not been availed' shall be
5. In column 2, against Serial/Sub-serial Nos. 64.357, 64.358, 64.359, 64.360, and 64.361, the condition ' subject to the
production of a certificate from the Bond Officer that the goods have not been manufactured out of duty free
finished leather' shall be added.
6. In column 3, against Serial/Sub-serial Nos.73.10, 73.12, 73.14, 73.16, 73.18, 73.20, 73.23, and 73.24 the wordings
'PMT' shall be read as 'PMT of steel content'.
7. In column 3, against Serial/Sub-serial No.73.30, the rate of drawback shall be read as 'Drawback @ applicable under
the relevant Serial/Sub-serial No. specified in the Drawback Table in proportion to the material content' as
against 'Re.0.65 (Paise sixty- five only) per kg'.
8. In column 3, against Serial/Sub-serial No.74.16, the rate of drawback shall be reas as 'Rs.29.00 (Rs. twenty-nine only)
per kg. of copper content' as against 'Rs.31.50 (Rs. thirty-one and paise fifty only) per kg.'
9. In column 3, against Serial/Sub-serial Nos. 75.01 and 75.02, the wordings 'per kg.' shall be read as 'per kg. of nickel
10. In column 3, against Serial/Sub-serial No. 83.08, the wordings 'PMT.' shall be read as 'PMT of steel content'.
11. In column 3, against Serial/Sub-serial Nos. 85.70 and 85.86, the drawback rates shall be read as '1.2% (one point two
per cent only) of f.o.b. subject to a maximum of Rs.29.00 (Rs. twenty-nine only) per kg. of copper content' as
against '1.2% (one point two per cent only) of f.o.b. subject to a maximum of Rs.26.00 (Rs. twenty-six only) per kg. of
copper content'.
12. In column 3, against Serial/Sub-serial No. 87.68, the drawback rate shall be read as 'Rs.8.70(Rs. eight and paise
seventy only) per set' as against Rs.8.70(Rs. eighty and paise seventy only) per set.'
13. In column 5, against Serial/Sub-serial No.87.80, the Central Excise allocation shall be read as 'Rs.20.40' as against
14. In column 5, against Serial/Sub-serial No.87.97, the Central Excise allocation shall be read as 'Re.0.50' as against
Alok Jha
Under Secretary to the Government of India

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