product Infrastructure Provider Cat (IP-I)
certification IP-1 Registration
Standard Department of Telecommunications
GUIDELINES FOR REGISTRATION OF INFRASTRUCTURE PROVIDERS-CATEGORY-I (IP-I) The Infrastructure Providers Category-I are those Infrastructure Providers who provide assets such as dark fibers, Right of Way, duct space & tower. The following are the guidelines for the registration of Infrastructure Providers Category-I to be called IP-I. 1. The applicant must be an Indian company, registered under the Companies Act, 1956/2013. 2. FDI up to 100%; with 49% under automatic route and beyond 49% through FIPB. Route subject to observance of conditions of IP-I Registration by the company as well as investors as notified by the Department of Telecommunications (DOT) from time to time. 3. Both direct and indirect foreign investment in the applicant company shall be counted. 4. The applicant company/Indian Promoters/Investing Companies including their holding companies shall comply with relevant provisions of extant FDI policy of the Government. 5. The Memorandum of Association of the Company should have this clause as the Main Objects of the Company. To carry on the business of infrastructure provide for providing assets such as dark fibres, right of way, duet space, tower for realying and transmission of signal of internet and telecom based cable service to licensed telecom service providers(TPS) end subscribers and customers, to offer such infrastructure to other business establishment on lease and commercial terms and to apply and obtain licneses to carry on these objects.