LMPC Model Approval

  • Overview
  • Document Required
  • Process To Apply

how it works

The Legal Metrology Packaged Commodities (LMPC) Model Approval is a regulatory process in India designed to ensure that packaged goods comply with legal metrology standards.

Overview of LMPC Model Approval:

Model Approval in India refers to the certification process mandated by Section 22 of the Legal Metrology Act of 2009. This approval is issued by the Legal Metrology Department and is required for manufacturers or importers of weights and measuring instruments to ensure their products meet the prescribed standards.

According to Section 22, any entity that manufactures or imports weights, measures or related instruments must obtain a Model Approval Certificate from the Central Government's Legal Metrology Department, typically based in Delhi. The certificate ensures that the product complies with Indian legal metrology standards before it can be marketed or used.

Model Approval Eligibility Criteria:

  • All weights and measuring devices, whether manufactured locally or imported must comply with the regulatory standards established by the Legal Metrology Department. Manufacturers and importers are required to ensure that their products meet these technical and legal standards.
  • Before manufacturing or importing any weight or measuring instrument, obtaining a model approval certificate is mandatory. The model approval is issued after the submission of the required application and the payment of the prescribed fee as per the Legal Metrology Registration guidelines.
  • If a model of weights or measures has been approved in another country, the authority may evaluate it against Indian standards set by the Legal Metrology Act. Based on the authority's discretion, the model may be accepted with or without further testing, depending on it’s alignment with India's regulatory framework.


  • Model approval is not required for certain products including cast iron, brass, bullion weights, carat weights, beam scales and linear measures (excluding measuring tapes).
  • These exempted products are commonly used in retail sectors for measuring textiles or wood, provided that the capacity measures do not exceed 20 liters.
  • Capacity measures exempt from approval are typically utilized in retail for measuring products such as kerosene, milk and consumable alcoholic beverages.

Documents Needed for LMPC Model Approval:

To obtain Model Approval in India, you must submit the following documents:

  1. Certificate of Incorporation: Proof of the company's legal establishment.
  2. Relevant Business Licenses: Any additional licenses required for your company’s operations.
  3. Applicant's Photographs: Two passport-sized photographs of the applicant.
  4. Completed Application Form: A properly filled-out model approval application form.
  5. Product Design Diagram: A detailed diagram illustrating how the product measures and/or weighs.
  6. Sealing Description: A description of how the product will be sealed to ensure accuracy and integrity.
  7. Importer’s Declaration (if applicable): A signed statement by the importer confirming that the product has not been altered before being sold in India.
  8. Packaging Information: Details of the information to be displayed on the product packaging.
  9. Payment of Fees: Proof of payment of the model approval fees.

How to Get Model Approval:

The Legal Metrology Department provides distinct processes for issuing Model Approval Certificates based on whether the applicant is a manufacturer or an importer.

Model Approval Process for Importers & Manufacturers:

For manufacturers, the Directorate General of the Legal Metrology Department must test the product. The steps to obtain model approval are as follows:

  1. Gather Required Documents: Ensure all necessary documentation is ready including certificates, diagrams and declarations.
  2. Complete the Application Form: Accurately fill out the model approval application form.
  3. Submit Documents and Application: Submit the completed application form along with the required documents.
  4. Submit Product Sample: Send a sample of the product to the Legal Metrology Department for testing.
  5. Pay Approval Fees: Ensure the model approval fees are paid in accordance with the department’s guidelines.
  6. Preliminary Document Check: The Legal Metrology Department will perform an initial review of the submitted documents before forwarding the product sample for testing.

Final Testing and Approval: If the product complies with the regulations set by the Legal Metrology Department, the Legal Metrology Certificate will be issued.

How We Help You Get Model Approval:

Obtaining a Model Approval Certificate requires expertise in navigating regulatory requirements. That’s where the ikargos team comes in, offering comprehensive services to ensure a smooth approval process.

  1. Assistance with LMPC Application: We provide expert guidance throughout the application process for the Legal Metrology Packaged Commodities (LMPC) certificate, which cannot be completed online.
  2. End-to-End Follow-Up: Our team conducts thorough follow-ups on your behalf, ensuring that your application progresses without delays.
  3. Error Management: We handle any errors or issues that arise during the process with professionalism and efficiency.
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