EPRA Certification for Electronic Waste

  • Overview
  • Benefits
  • Document Required
  • Fees And Timeliness
  • Process To Apply

how it works

Extended Producer Responsibility Authorization (EPRA) for E-waste is a regulatory framework in India that places the onus on manufacturers, importers, and brand owners of electrical and electronic equipment (EEE) to responsibly manage their products at the end of their lifecycle. E-waste, which includes discarded electronic devices and appliances, poses environmental and health risks due to the presence of hazardous materials. EPR Authorization aims to ensure the proper collection, recycling and environmentally sound disposal of E-waste.

Overview of EPRA Certification for Electronic Waste

Manufacturers and importers seeking EPR Authorization must submit a plan outlining how they intend to manage e-waste generated from their products. This plan includes details on the collection mechanisms, recycling facilities, and methods for ensuring compliance with e-waste management rules. The approval process involves a thorough evaluation of the proposed plan to ensure it aligns with the environmentally friendly disposal and recycling of e-waste.

The concept of the Extended Producer Responsibility is established by the E-waste (Management) Rules, 2016. It is a collaborative initiative that brings together electronic manufacturers, retailers, and consumers to collectively address the E-waste problem by ensuring effective and responsible E-waste management. The EPR authorization is provided by the Central Pollution Control Board (CPCB) under MoEFCC, Government of India. They check the authorization process, ensuring that producers and manufacturers comply with their responsibilities for managing the entire lifecycle of their products, including their disposal and recycling.

EPR Authorization for E-waste is a crucial step towards mitigating the growing e-waste problem in India. By holding manufacturers accountable for the safe disposal of their products, this framework encourages the development of eco-friendly and sustainable e-waste management systems, thereby reducing the environmental impact of electronic waste. It also promotes the efficient recycling and recovery of valuable materials from discarded electronics, which is essential for conserving resources and reducing the pressure on landfills and the environment.

The following products are covered under the Compulsory Registration Scheme:

S.No. Product Name Indian Standard
1 Air-conditioners excluding centralized air conditioning plants CEEW4
2 All appliances which deliver automatically all kinds of products LSEEW29
3 Analyzers and accessories MDW7
4 Answering System ITEW16
5 Appliances used for sewing, knitting, weaving and other processing for textiles LSEEW19
6 Audio Amplifiers CEEW12
7 Automatic dispensers for hot drinks LSEEW25
8 Automatic dispensers for hot or cold bottles or cans LSEEW26
9 Automatic dispensers for money LSEEW28
10 Automatic dispensers for solid products LSEEW27
11 BTS (all components excluding structure of tower) ITEW18
12 Cardiology equipment and accessories MDW2
13 Carpet sweepers LSEEW17
14 Cellular telephones ITEW15
15 Centralized data processing: Mainframe and Minicomputer ITEW1
16 Clothes dryers LSEEW4
17 Coin slot machines TLSEW6
18 Computers for biking, diving, running, rowing, etc. TLSEW4
19 Copying equipment ITEW7
20 Cordless telephones ITEW14
21 Dialysis equipment and accessories MDW3
22 Digital camera CEEW19
23 Dish Washing Machines LSEEW5
24 Drills EETW1
25 Electric cookers LSEEW6
26 Electric fans LSEEW14
27 Electric heating appliances LSEEW11
28 Electric hot plates LSEEW8
29 Electric kettle LSEEW33
30 Electric radiators LSEEW12
31 Electric shaver LSEEW32
32 Electric stoves LSEEW7
33 Electrical and electronic typewriters ITEW8
34 Electrical trains or car racing sets TLSEW1
35 Electronic data storage devices ITEW27
36 Electronic display panels / board / visual display unit LSEEW34
37 Equipment for processing of wood, metal and other materials like milling, grinding, sawing, cutting, shearing, drilling, punching, folding etc EETW4
38 Equipment for spraying, spreading, dispersing or other treatment of liquid or gaseous substance by other means EETW7
39 Equipment having electrical and electronic components LIW2
40 Facsimile ITEW10
41 Fertilization tests equipment and accessories MDW9
42 Fluorescent and other Mercury containing lamps CEEW5
43 Freezers LSEEW2
44 Gas analyzer LIW1
46 Grinders, coffee machines and equipment for opening or sealing containers or packages LSEEW21
47 Hair dryer LSEEW31
48 Hand-held video games consoles TLSEW2
49 Heating Regulators LSEEW23
50 Hi-Fi Recorders CEEW11
51 High intensity discharge lamps, including pressure sodium lamps and metal halide lamps CEEW16
52 Indoor air purifier LSEEW30
53 Inverter ITEW25
54 Iron and other appliances for ironing, mangling and other care of clothing LSEEW20
55 Laboratory equipment for in vitro diagnosis and accessories MDW6
56 Large cooling appliances LSEEW1
57 Low pressure sodium lamps CEEW17
58 Luminaries for fluorescent lamps with the exception of luminaries in households CEEW15
59 Microwaves, Microwave Oven LSEEW9
60 Modems ITEW26
61 MRI, PET Scanner, CT Scanner, and Ultrasound Equipment along with accessories MDW8
62 Nuclear Medicine Equipment and accessories MDW5
63 Other appliances for cleaning LSEEW18
64 Other electric appliances used for treating illness sickness, infection, injury, trauma, abuse etc and their accessories MDW10
65 Other fanning, exhaust ventilation and conditioning equipment LSEEW15
66 Other large appliances for heating rooms, beds, seating furniture LSEEW13
67 Other large appliances used for cooking and other processing of food LSEEW10
68 Other large appliances used for refrigeration, conservation and storage of food LSEEW3
69 Other lighting or equipment for the purpose of spreading or controlling light excluding filament bulbs CEEW18
70 Pay telephones ITEW13
71 Personal Computing: Laptop Computers(CPU with input and output devices) ITEW3
72 Personal Computing: Notebook Computers ITEW4
73 Personal Computing: Notepad Computers ITEW5
74 Personal Computing: Personal Computers (CPU with input and output devices) ITEW2
75 Phablets ITEW20
76 Printers including cartridges ITEW6
77 Product for recording or reproducing sound or images CEEW13
78 Products or equipment of transmitting sound, images or other information by telecommunications ITEW17
79 Pulmonary ventilators and accessories MDW4
80 Radio sets CEEW7
81 Radiotherapy equipment and accessories MDW1
82 Refrigerator CEEW2
83 Routers ITEW22
84 Saws EETW2
85 Scanners ITEW21
86 Screen, Electronic Photo frames, Electronic Display Panel, Monitors CEEW6
87 Set top Boxes CEEW8
88 Sewing Machines EETW3
89 Smoke detector LSEEW22
90 Solar panels / cells, solar Photovoltaic panels / cells / modules CEEW14
91 Sports equipment with electric or electronic components TLSEW5
92 Tablets, I-PAD ITEW19
93 Telephones ITEW12
94 Television sets (including sets based on (LCD and LED technology) CEEW1
95 Telex ITEW11
96 Thermostats LSEEW24
97 Tools for mowing or other gardening activities EETW8
98 Tools for riveting, nailing or screwing or removing rivets, nails, screws or similar uses EETW5
99 Tools for welding, soldering, or similar use EETW6
100 UPS ITEW24
101 User terminals and systems ITEW9
102 Vacuum cleaners LSEEW16
103 Video Cameras CEEW9
104 Video games TLSEW3
105 Video Recorders CEEW10
106 Washing Machine CEEW3


Benefits of EPRA Certification for Electronic Waste

EPR Authorization for E- waste is important for manufacturers operating in the Indian market in several ways:

  • EPR Authorization ensures manufacturers comply with e-waste regulations, avoiding legal penalties.
  • With EPRA, manufacturers will take responsibility for the disposal and recycling of their products, reducing environmental impact.
  • Efficient E-waste management can lead to cost savings through recycling and reusing materials.
  • It demonstrates a commitment to responsible E-waste management, enhancing a manufacturer's brand reputation.
  • EPR authorization facilitates the recovery of valuable resources from E-waste, promoting sustainability.

iKargos.com specializes in guiding manufacturers through the EPR Registration process for E-waste. With our expertise, you can obtain the EPR Registration Certificate seamlessly.

Documents Required for EPRA Certification for Electronic Waste

Address Proof Documents:

  • Address proof of the Manufacturer/Importer
  • Copy of the GST document showing the manufacturing unit's address
  • Copy of document/certificate from the Company Registrar, Directorate of Company, or a letter containing the Import-Export code

Product Information (including model numbers and production/import history):

  • Provide details about electrical and electronic equipment introduced to the market in the last 10 years, categorized by year, including data on quantity, numbers, and weight

Valid BIS License:

  • Copy of the ISI mark or BIS Registration number certificate if it is applicable

CPCB Certification:

  • Submit a self-declaration confirming compliance with RoHS in the specified format
  • Copy of PAN
  • Submit technical documents like Supplier Declarations and Materials Analytical Reports to confirm the product's adherence to RoHS provisions as per the EU's EN 50581 standard, or provide a RoHS Certificate as evidence
  • Information about the Authorized Person (signatory), including their name, complete address, email, phone number, and a copy of the Aadhar Card, etc.
  • KYC details of the Manufacturer/Importer Company, including contact number, email address, website information, and more
  • List of all offices
  • E-product details like the name of the product, name of the brand, model number, volume, etc.
  • Plan for creating awareness, approach for implementation, and budget allocation for EPR and related initiatives
  • Flowchart depicting the steps involved in collecting E-waste and transporting it to the recycling facility
  • Predicted E-waste generation by item type and projected collection goals for the upcoming year(s), including waste generated at service centres
  • Copies of agreements with Dealers, Recyclers, Collection centres, Treatment facilities, Storage sites, Disposal facilities, etc.
SNO. Particular Description List of Required Information
1 Clarification for Non-Applicability for EPRA download
2 E-waste Rules - 2016 download
3 E-waste Rules Amendment Notification - 2018 download
4 EPRA Application Format download
5 EPRA Revised SOP - 12.04.2018 download
6 EPRA Updates - 14 June 2020 download
7 Guidelines For E-waste Rules download
8 RoHS Docs - Mandatory for EPRA download
9 Steps for EPRA Application download

Fees and Timeline


For a customized and attractive quotation, please contact us with your product details to Rekha Atri (+91 98118 03136) or Manju Laur (+91 9711994042).


40-60 working days

Process to Apply for EPRA Certification for Electronic Waste

Step 1: Complete the application form

Step 2: Attach all necessary documents with your application

Step 3: CPCB will review the application

Step 4: If CPCB requires more information, please provide it

Step 5: Upon successful document verification, CPCB will issue your certificate


Following products are covered under Compulsory Registration Scheme:

Product Name Indian Standard
Information Technology & Telecommunication Equipment
1 Personal Computing: Personal Computers (CPU with input and output devices) ITEW2
2 Centralized data processing: Mainframe and Minicomputer ITEW1
3 Personal Computing: Laptop Computers(CPU with input and output devices) ITEW3
4 Personal Computing: Notebook Computers ITEW4
5 Personal Computing: Notepad Computers ITEW5
6 Printers including cartridges ITEW6
7 Copying equipment ITEW7
8 Electrical and electronic typewriters ITEW8
9 User terminals and systems ITEW9
10 Facsimile ITEW10
11 Telex ITEW11
12 Pay telephones ITEW13
13 Cordless telephones ITEW14
14 Cellular telephones ITEW15
15 Answering System ITEW16
16 Telephones ITEW12
17 Products or equipment of transmitting sound, images or other information by telecommunications ITEW17
18 BTS (all components excluding structure of tower) ITEW18
19 Tablets, I-PAD ITEW19
20 Phablets ITEW20
21 Scanners ITEW21
22 Routers ITEW22
25 Inverter ITEW25
26 Modems ITEW26
27 Electronic data storage devices ITEW27
Consumer Electrical and Electronic Products
28 Television sets (including sets based on (LCD and LED technology) CEEW1
29 Refrigerator CEEW2
30 Washing Machine CEEW3
31 Air-conditioners excluding centralized air conditioning plants CEEW4
32 Fluorescent and other Mercury containing lamps CEEW5
33 Screen, Electronic Photo frames, Electronic Display Panel, Monitors CEEW6
34 Radio sets CEEW7
35 Set top Boxes CEEW8
36 Video Cameras CEEW9
37 Video Recorders CEEW10
38 Hi-Fi Recorders CEEW11
39 Audio Amplifiers CEEW12
40 Product for recording or reproducing sound or images CEEW13
41 Solar panels / cells, solar Photovoltaic panels / cells / modules CEEW14
42 Luminaries for fluorescent lamps with the exception of luminaries in households CEEW15
43 High intensity discharge lamps, including pressure sodium lamps and metal halide lamps CEEW16
44 Low pressure sodium lamps CEEW17
45 Other lighting or equipment for the purpose of spreading or controlling light excluding filament bulbs CEEW18
46 Digital camera CEEW19
Large and Small Electrical and Electronic Equipment
47 Large cooling appliances LSEEW1
48 Freezers LSEEW2
49 Other large appliances used for refrigeration, conservation and storage of food LSEEW3
50 Clothes dryers LSEEW4
51 Dish Washing Machines LSEEW5
52 Electric cookers LSEEW6
53 Electric stoves LSEEW7
54 Electric hot plates LSEEW8
55 Microwaves, Microwave Oven LSEEW9
56 Other large appliances used for cooking and other processing of food LSEEW10
57 Electric heating appliances LSEEW11
58 Electric radiators LSEEW12
59 Other large appliances for heating rooms, beds, seating furniture LSEEW13
60 Electric fans LSEEW14
61 Other fanning, exhaust ventilation and conditioning equipment LSEEW15
62 Vacuum cleaners LSEEW16
63 Carpet sweepers LSEEW17
64 Other appliances for cleaning LSEEW18
65 Appliances used for sewing, knitting, weaving and other processing for textiles LSEEW19
66 Iron and other appliances for ironing, mangling and other care of clothing LSEEW20
67 Grinders, coffee machines and equipment for opening or sealing containers or packages LSEEW21
68 Smoke detector LSEEW22
69 Heating Regulators LSEEW23
70 Thermostats LSEEW24
71 Automatic dispensers for hot drinks LSEEW25
72 Automatic dispensers for hot or cold bottles or cans LSEEW26
73 Automatic dispensers for solid products LSEEW27
74 Automatic dispensers for money LSEEW28
75 All appliances which deliver automatically all kinds of products LSEEW29
76 Indoor air purifier LSEEW30
77 Hair dryer LSEEW31
78 Electric shaver LSEEW32
79 Electric kettle LSEEW33
80 Electronic display panels / board / visual display unit LSEEW34
Electrical and Electronic Tools (With the exception of large- Scale Stationary Industrial Tools)
81 Drills EETW1
82 Saws EETW2
83 Sewing Machines EETW3
84 Equipment for processing of wood, metal and other materials like milling, grinding, sawing, cutting, shearing, drilling, punching, folding etc EETW4
85 Tools for riveting, nailing or screwing or removing rivets, nails, screws or similar uses EETW5
86 Tools for welding, soldering, or similar use EETW6
87 Equipment for spraying, spreading, dispersing or other treatment of liquid or gaseous substance by other means EETW7
88 Tools for mowing or other gardening activities EETW8
Toys, Leisure and Sports Equipment
89 Electrical trains or car racing sets TLSEW1
90 Hand-held video games consoles TLSEW2
91 Video games TLSEW3
92 Computers for biking, diving, running, rowing, etc. TLSEW4
93 Sports equipment with electric or electronic components TLSEW5
94 Coin slot machines TLSEW6
Medical Devices (With the Exception of All Implanted and Infected Products)
95 Radiotherapy equipment and accessories MDW1
96 Cardiology equipment and accessories MDW2
97 Dialysis equipment and accessories MDW3
98 Pulmonary ventilators and accessories MDW4
99 Nuclear Medicine Equipment and accessories MDW5
100 Laboratory equipment for in vitro diagnosis and accessories MDW6
101 Analyzers and accessories MDW7
102 MRI, PET Scanner, CT Scanner, and Ultrasound Equipment along with accessories MDW8
103 Fertilization tests equipment and accessories MDW9
104 Other electric appliances used for treating illness sickness, infection, injury, trauma, abuse etc and their accessories MDW10
Laboratory Instruments
105 Gas analyzer LIW1
106 Equipment having electrical and electronic components LIW2
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products cover under this certificate

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